Workshop on a future muon program at FNAL
/ Corrodi, S. (Argonne) ; Oksuzian, Y. (Argonne) ; Edmonds, A. (Boston U.) ; Miller, J. (Boston U.) ; Tran, H.N. (Boston U.) ; Bonventre, R. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Brown, D.N. (LBL, Berkeley) ; Méot, F. (Brookhaven) ; Singh, V. (UC, Berkeley) ; Kolomensky, Y. (LBNL, Berkeley) et al.
The Snowmass report on rare processes and precision measurements recommended Mu2e-II and a next generation muon facility at Fermilab (Advanced Muon Facility) as priorities for the frontier. [...]
arXiv:2309.05933 ; FERMILAB-CONF-23-464-PPD ; CALT-TH-2023-036.
Fermilab Library Server - Fulltext - Fulltext
High-Field Design Concept for Second Interaction Region of the Electron-Ion Collider
/ Gamage, Bamunuvita (Jefferson Lab) ; Arbelaez, Diego (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Aschenauer, Elke (Brookhaven) ; Berg, J (Brookhaven) ; Ent, Rolf (Jefferson Lab) ; Ferracin, Paolo (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Morozov, Vasiliy (ORNL, Oak Ridge (main)) ; Rajput-Ghoshal, Renuka (Jefferson Lab) ; Sabbi, GianLuca (LBNL, Berkeley) ; Satogata, Todd (Jefferson Lab) et al.
Efficient realization of the scientific potential of the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) calls for addition of a future second Interaction Region (2nd IR) and a detector in the RHIC IR8 region after the EIC project completion. The second IR and detector are needed to independently cross-check the results of the first detector, and to provide measurements with complementary acceptance. [...]
2022 - 3 p.
- Published in : JACoW NAPAC 2022 (2022) WEPA15
Fulltext: Publication - PDF; FERMILAB-CONF-22-989-TD - PDF; External links: JLAB Document Server; Fermilab Library Server
In : 4th North American Particle Accelerator Conference (NAPAC 2022), Albuquerque, NM, United States, 7-12 Aug 2022, pp.WEPA15
US Cosmic Visions: New Ideas in Dark Matter 2017: Community Report
/ Battaglieri, Marco (INFN, Genoa) ; Belloni, Alberto (Maryland U.) ; Chou, Aaron (Fermilab) ; Cushman, Priscilla (Minnesota U.) ; Echenard, Bertrand (Caltech) ; Essig, Rouven (SUNY, Stony Brook) ; Estrada, Juan (Fermilab) ; Feng, Jonathan L. (UC, Irvine) ; Flaugher, Brenna (Fermilab) ; Fox, Patrick J. (Fermilab) et al.
This white paper summarizes the workshop "U.S. [...]
arXiv:1707.04591 ; FERMILAB-CONF-17-282-AE-PPD-T.
2017 - 113.
Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available) - Symmetry Magazine article - Full text - Fulltext
Neutrino Factory
/ Bogomilov, M (Sofiya U.) ; Matev, R (Sofiya U.) ; Tsenov, R (Sofiya U.) ; Dracos, M (Strasbourg, IPHC) ; Bonesini, M (INFN, Milan Bicocca) ; Palladino, V (INFN, Naples ; Naples U.) ; Tortora, L (INFN, Rome) ; Mori, Y (Kyoto U., KURRI) ; Planche, T (Kyoto U., KURRI) ; Lagrange, J B (Kyoto U., KURRI) et al.
The properties of the neutrino provide a unique window on physics beyond that described by the standard model. The study of subleading effects in neutrino oscillations, and the race to discover CP-invariance violation in the lepton sector, has begun with the recent discovery that $\theta_{13} > 0$. [...]
2014 - 14 p.
- Published in : Phys. Rev. Spec. Top. Accel. Beams 17 (2014) 121002
APS Open Access article: PDF;
Electron Ion Collider: The Next QCD Frontier - Understanding the glue that binds us all
/ Accardi, A. (Jefferson Lab ; Hampton U.) ; Albacete, J.L. (Orsay, IPN) ; Anselmino, M. (INFN, Turin ; Turin U.) ; Armesto, N. (Santiago de Compostela U.) ; Aschenauer, E.C. (Brookhaven) ; Bacchetta, A. (Pavia U.) ; Boer, D. (Groningen U.) ; Brooks, W.K. (Santa Maria U., Valparaiso) ; Burton, T. (Brookhaven) ; Chang, N.B. (Shandong U.) et al.
This White Paper presents the science case of an Electron-Ion Collider (EIC), focused on the structure and interactions of gluon-dominated matter, with the intent to articulate it to the broader nuclear science community. It was commissioned by the managements of Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) and Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (JLab) with the objective of presenting a summary of scientific opportunities and goals of the EIC as a follow-up to the 2007 NSAC Long Range plan. [...]
arXiv:1212.1701; BNL-98815-2012-JA; JLAB-PHY-12-1652; BNL-98815-2012-JA; JLAB-PHY-12-1652.-
2016-09-08 - 100 p.
- Published in : Eur. Phys. J. A 52 (2016) 268
Fulltext: PDF; Fulltext from Publisher: PDF; External link: Preprint
Photon reconstruction in the ATLAS Inner Detector and Liquid Argon Barrel Calorimeter at the 2004 Combined Test Beam
/ Abat, E (Bogazici U.) ; Abdallah, J M (Barcelona, IFAE) ; Addy, T N (Hampton U.) ; Adragna, P (Queen Mary, U. of London) ; Aharrouche, M (Mainz U., Inst. Phys.) ; Ahmad, A (Taiwan, Inst. Phys.) ; Akesson, T.P A (Lund U.) ; Aleksa, M (CERN) ; Alexa, C (Bucharest, IFIN-HH) ; Anderson, K (Chicago U., EFI) et al.
The reconstruction of photons in the ATLAS detector is studied with data taken during the 2004 Combined Test Beam, where a full slice of the ATLAS detector was exposed to beams of particles of known energy at the CERN SPS. The results presented show significant differences in the longitudinal development of the electromagnetic shower between converted and unconverted photons as well as in the total measured energy. [...]
- Published in : JINST 6 (2011) P04001
IOP Open Access article: PDF;
Interim Design Report
/ DS-NF collaboration
The International Design Study for the Neutrino Factory (the IDS-NF) was established by the community at the ninth 'International Workshop on Neutrino Factories, super-beams, and beta- beams' which was held in Okayama in August 2007. [...]
arXiv:1112.2853 ; IDS-NF-20 ; BNL-96453-2011 ; CERN-ATS-2011-216 ; EURONU-WP1-05 ; FERMILAB-PUB-11-581-APC ; RAL-TR-2011-018 ; FERMILAB-DESIGN-2011-01 ; IDS-NF-020 ; BNL-96453-2011 ; CERN-ATS-2011-216 ; EURONU-WP1-05 ; FERMILAB-PUB-11-581-APC ; RAL-TR-2011-018.
2011. - 271 p.
Fermilab Library Server (fulltext available) - Electronic Version from a server - Full text - Full text - Fulltext
Gluons and the quark sea at high energies: distributions, polarization, tomography
/ Boer, Daniel (Groningen U.) ; Diehl, Markus (DESY) ; Milner, Richard (MIT) ; Venugopalan, Raju (Brookhaven) ; Vogelsang, Werner (Tubingen U.) ; Kaplan, David (Washington U., Seattle) ; Montgomery, Hugh (Jefferson Lab) ; Vigdor, Steven (Brookhaven) ; Accardi, A. (Jefferson Lab) ; Aschenauer, E.C. (Brookhaven) et al.
This report is based on a ten-week program on "Gluons and the quark sea at high-energies", which took place at the Institute for Nuclear Theory in Seattle in Fall 2010. [...]
arXiv:1108.1713 ; SLAC-R-995 ; INT-PUB-11-034 ; BNL-96164-2011 ; JLAB-THY-11-1373 ; INT-PUB-11-034 ; BNL-96164-2011 ; JLAB-THY-11-1373.
2011 - 547.
JLab Document Server - SLAC Document Server - Full text
International Design Study for the Neutrino Factory, Interim Design Report
/ Choubey, S (Harish-Chandra Res. Inst.) ; Gandhi, R (Harish-Chandra Res. Inst.) ; Goswami, S (Harish-Chandra Res. Inst.) ; Berg, J S (Brookhaven) ; Fernow, R (Brookhaven) ; Gallardo, J C (Brookhaven) ; Gupta, R (Brookhaven) ; Kirk, H (Brookhaven) ; Simos, N (Brookhaven) ; Souchlas, N (Brookhaven) et al.
2011. - 271 p.
Combined performance studies for electrons at the 2004 ATLAS combined test-beam
/ Abat, E (Bogazici U.) ; Abdallah, J M (Barcelona, IFAE) ; Addy, T N (Hampton U.) ; Adragna, P (Queen Mary, U. of London) ; Aharrouche, M (Mainz U., Inst. Phys.) ; Ahmad, A (Shandong U. ; Taiwan, Inst. Phys.) ; Akesson, T P A (Lund U.) ; Aleksa, M (CERN) ; Alexa, C (Bucharest, IFIN-HH) ; Anderson, K (Chicago U., EFI) et al.
- Published in : JINST 5 (2010) P11006
IOP Open Access article: PDF;