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Status report and request for beam time : experiment IS 80 / Neugart, R ; Ahmad, S A ; Duong, H T ; Ekström, C (et al.)
CERN-PSCC-84-47 ; PSCC-M-203.
- 1984. - 15 p.
Study of $\pi^{-}p$ interactions with neutral final states : preliminary experimantal results with GAMS / Binon, Freddy G ; Bricman, C ; Bushnin, Yu B (et al.)
CERN-SPSC-78-96 ; SPSC-P-110-Add-1.
- 1978. - 6 p.
Fulltext - Fulltext - CERN library copies
Status report and request for beam time : study of nuclear moments and mean square charge radiI by collinear fast-beam laser spectroscopy / Borchers, W ; Neu, W ; Neugart, R (et al.)
CERN-PSCC-88-3 ; PSCC-P-110.
- 1988. - 15 p.
Access to fulltext document - Access to fulltext document - CERN library copies
On the odd-even staggering of mean square charge radii in the light krypton and strontium region / Lievens, P ; Arnold, E ; Borchers, W ; Georg, U ; Keim, M ; Klein, A ; Neugart, R ; Vermeeren, L ; Silverans, R E
Recently isotope shifts of $^{72,74-96}$Kr and $^{77-100}$Sr have been measured at the ISOLDE/ CERN mass separator facility by collinear laser spectroscopy. The deduced changes in mean square charge radii reveal sharp transitions in nuclear shape from spherical near the magic neutron number N=50 towards strongly deformed for both the neutron deficient and neutron rich isotopes far from stability. [...]
CERN-PPE-95-160.- Geneva : CERN, 1996 - 11 p. - Published in : Europhys. Lett. 33 (1996) 11-16 Fulltext: PDF; - CERN library copies
Fast-beam laser spectroscopy on metastable Yb-atoms, application to radioactive isotopes / Klempt, W ; Neugart, R ; Ekström, C ; Buchinger, F ; Müller, A C ; Wendt, K
In : Conference on Lasers in Nuclear Physics, Oak Ridge, Honolulu, Hawaii, 21 - 23 Apr 1982, pp.257-264
Hfs and IS of radioactive rare-earth nuclides studied by collinear fast-beam laser spectroscopy / Buchinger, F ; Müller, A C ; Wendt, K ; Klempt, W ; Neugart, R ; Ekström, C
Collinear-beam laser spectroscopy of neutron-rich barium isotopes / Neugart, R ; Buchinger, F ; Klempt, W ; Müller, A C ; Otten, E W ; Ekström, C ; Heinemeier, J
Optical pumping and unstable nuclei / Otten, E W /ISOLDE Collaboration
In : Symposium Alfred Kastler, Paris, France, 9 - 12 Jan 1985, pp.659
Laser spectroscopy of nuclei far off stability in the region of rare earth and radium / Otten, E W /ISOLDE Collaboration
In : INS-RIKEN International Symposium on Heavy-ion Physics, Tokyo, Japan, 24 - 31 Aug 1984, pp.59
Hyperfine structure and isotope shift of radon isotopes / Neugart, R /ISOLDE Collaboration
In : 2nd European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1985, pp.15

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