CERN Accelerating science

Report number SLAC-250
Conference title 2nd International Conference on Instrumentation for Colliding-beam Physics
Related conference title(s) Instrumentation for Colliding-beam Physics
Date(s), location 17 - 23 Feb 1982, SLAC, Stanford, CA, USA
Corporate author(s) Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Stanford
Imprint Stanford, CA : [s.n.], 1982 - 259 p.
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Free keywords SLAC

Contributions in Inspire: C82-02-17
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Limits on the accuracy of drift chambers and calibration beams (p. 1)
by Sadoulet, Bernard
The UA1 central detector (p. 16)
by Calvetti, M
The time expansion chamber as high precision drift chamber (p. 34)
by Walenta, Albert H
High resolution silicon counters (p. 56)
by Hyams, Bernard David
Relativistic particle identification by dE/dx : the fruits of experience with ISIS(p. 61)
by Allison, W W M
Particle identification by dE/dx sampling in neon (p. 90)
by Lehraus, Ivan
Particle identification with a fine sampling ionization loss detector (p. 96)
by Ludlam, Thomas W
Particle identification using ionization sampling in the region of the relativistic rise (p. 109)
by Baruzzi, V
Status of event selection processes at CERN (p. 147)
by Verkerk, C
Status of event selection processors at CERN (p. 147)
by Verkerk, Catharinus
UA1 data-acquisition system (p. 151)
by Cittolin, Sergio
The UA2 central calorimeter (p. 169)
by Clark, A
HARP : high pressure argon readout for calorimeters(p. 185)
by Barranco-Luque, M
Progress in high density projection chambers (p. 212)
by Albrecht, E
The UA1 Data-Acqusition System
by Cittolin, S

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 Record created 1990-01-27, last modified 2021-07-30

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