CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 16th Rencontres de Moriond
Related conference title(s) New Flavours and Hadron Spectroscopy
Date(s), location 15 - 27 Mar 1981, Les Arcs, France
Editor(s) Trân Thanh Vân, Jean (ed.)
Imprint Dreux : Ed. Frontières, 1981 - 673 p.
Series (M ; 31)
ISBN 2863320122
Subject category Particle Physics
Free keywords lattice ; gauge ; theory ; charm ; hadron ; spectroscopy

Corresponding record in: Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C81-03-15.2
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Perturbative QCD phenomenology (p. 13)
by Roberts, R G
Observation of a fully reconstructed $D^{0}\overline{D}$$^{0}$ pair with long lifetimes in a high resolution hydrogen bubble chamber and the European Hybrid Spectrometer (p. 85)
by Lemonne, J
Charm production in hadronic interactions (p. 95)
by Wojcicki, S G
Recent results on the tau lepton (p. 145)
by Hayes, K G
A$_{3}$ production in the reaction pi$^{-}$p --> pi$^{-}$K$^{+}$K$^{-}$p at 16 GeV/c (p. 221)
by Otter, Gerd
Results from the CHARM nu experiment on the structure of the weak neutral current (p. 297)
by Orr, R S
Heavy mesons, heavy baryons and heavy multiquarks in potential models (p. 331)
by Richard, J M
The pomeron and hadrons through infra-red analysis of QCD (p. 347)
by White, Alan R
Introduction to grand unified theories (p. 369)
by Ellis, Jonathan Richard
Interactions of mesons in the nuclear Coulomb field at high energies (p. 373)
by Berg, D
Phenomenological implications of technicolour theories (p. 411)
by Sikivie, P
New light on dipole sum rules (p. 417)
by Krasemann, H
Jet-like properties of multiparticle systems produced in K$^{+}$p interactions at 70 GeV/c (p. 433)
by Barth, Monique
The elastic form factors of nucleons (p. 453)
by Chertok, B T
Feynman-x distributions of pi+- produced in neutrino-proton charged-current interactions (p. 491)
by Schmitz, N
How to identify particles : a new way(p. 609)
by Ekelöf, T J C

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 Record created 1990-01-27, last modified 2021-08-10

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