Главная страница > Portable Neutron Generator with 9-Section Silicon $\alpha $-Detector |
Preprint | |
Report number | E13-2006-36 ; JINR-E13-2006-36 |
Title | Portable Neutron Generator with 9-Section Silicon $\alpha $-Detector |
Author(s) | Bystritsky, V M ; Bogolyubov, E P ; Kadyshevskij, V G ; Khasaev, T O ; Kobzev, A P ; Presnyakov, Yu K ; Rogov,Yu N ; Ryzhkov, V I ; Sapozhnikov, M G ; Sissakian, A N ; Slepnev, V M ; Zamyatin, N I |
Affiliation | (All-Russian Research Institute of Automatics, 101000 Moscow, Russia) ; (Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, Dubna) |
Publication | 2006 |
Imprint | 27 Mar 2006 |
Number of pages | 9 |
Subject category | Detectors and Experimental Techniques |
Abstract | The characteristics of the portable neutron generator with a built-in $\alpha $-detector are presented. Based on the "tagged" neutron method (TNM) the generator is being used for identification of the hidden chemical compounds. One of the special features of such generators compared to generators traditionally used and produced in industry is that the generator is a source of monoenergetic "tagged" 14.1 MeV neutrons produced in the binary nuclear reaction $d+t \to \alpha $ (3.5 MeV) $+n$ (14.1 MeV). Unambiguous information about the time and direction of the neutron emitted from the target can be obtained by recording an $\alpha $ particle by the multi-pixel $\alpha $-detector placed inside the neutron tube. The study of the "tagged" neutron method (TNM) shows that the use of the ($\alpha $--$\gamma $) coincidence reduces the gamma background induced by scattered neutrons by a factor of more than 200, which allows the detection and identification of small quantities of explosives, drugs, and toxic agents. The measured energy and time resolutions of the alpha--gamma coincidence system meet the requirements imposed on facilities for identification of complex chemical agents based on the "tagged" neutron method. |
Submitted by | [email protected] |