IT3T/2 - Creating, managingand using distribution lists with Simba2
Video - : CERN Technical Training 2005: IT3T - IT Technical Training Tutorials (Summer 2005) The new Listbox service interface SIMBA2 is a tool browsed everyday by a big amount of Listbox users. The different views for owners or members of the lists and the settings saved by them is capital for the correct function of the list. In this presentation we will introduce the Listbox Platform and the web interfaces and services that support it. How to deal with external accounts, creation of mailing lists and their classification in Human Resources, External or Normal Lists. How to operate with lists in Bulk and the importance of the archiving permissions. A special part of the presentation will show the criteria that listbox is using for authentication of mails against mail bombing, worms and spammers. The different ways to subscribe and unsubscribe to mailing lists and what are the main differences with the old platform. We will also dedicate a high level technical part for those who are administrators of mailing lists and want to reach the lists. The tutorials are free of charge, but separate registration to each is required. Participation to any of the tutorials is open: attendance to any tutorial is not a prerequisite to attend subsequent ones. If you are interested in attending, please discuss with your supervisor and/or your DTO, and apply electronically via EDH. Registered participants will be invited to each tutorial; attendance will be recorded in the personal training records. More information, online registration, and the detailed IT3T programmes are available on the IT Technical Training Tutorials webpage,, also accessible from For more information you can also contact
[email protected] .
Date: 2005
Language: eng
CERN, Geneva, 16 Jun 2005
The video was digitized from its original recording as part of the CERN Digital Memory project
The video was reviewed and enriched with additional information.
Title: Mailing List System at CERN
Type: Conference Speech
Keywords: Computing,Interface,Account,Password,Messages,Authentication,Subscription,Inbox,Email,Contacts,SIMBA2,Demonstration,Archive,NICE,Synchronization,Listbox
category: Portraits of science
Date: 2005-06-16
Filmed people: Leivas Ledo, Ruben
Description (eng): Webinar on the mailing list system at CERN
Internal comment: No audio only background feedback in left ear throughout
Physical medium: Source is Streaming video