CERN Accelerating science

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Report number EUROTEV-REPORT-2005-005
Title Beam Profile Measurements and Simulations of the PETRA Laser-Wire
Author(s) Carter, J ; Agapov, I V ; Blair, G A ; Boorman, G ; Driouichi, C ; Poirier, F ; Price, Michael T (Royal Holloway University of London, Surrey) ; Kamps, T (BESSY GmbH, Berlin) ; Balewski, K ; Lewin, H C ; Schreiber, S ; Wittenburg, K (DESY, Hamburg) ; Delerue, N ; Howell, David Francis (University of Oxford, Oxford) ; Boogert, S T ; Malton, S (UCL, London)
Publication 2005
Imprint 2005
Number of pages 3
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings


 Rekord stworzony 2006-07-11, ostatnia modyfikacja 2017-02-20

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