| X-ray photon beam from a SASE FEL undulator is in principle a single user tool, just like an optical laser. Therefore, the operation and amortization cost cannot be easily spread over many simultaneous experiments. To avoid prohibitive cost for each experiment, a new XFEL laboratory scheme is proposed. A photon beam distribution system based on movable multilayer X-ray mirrors can provide an efficient way to generate a multi-user facility. Distribution of photons is achieved on the basis of pulse trains and it is possible to partition the photon beam among a few tens independent beamlines thereby obtaining many users working in parallel. The second way to increase the number of simultaneous experiments is based on the working with a series of perfect crystals in transmission (Laue) geometry. The later concept is the basic idea of the Troika beamline at ESRF. In principle, a hundred of photon beamlines with different experiments can be served by a single XFEL source. |