CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 4th Conference on Foundations of Probability and Physics : Festschrift Philipp (Walter)
Related conference title(s) Foundations of Probability and Physics 4
Date(s), location 4 - 9 Jun 2006, Växjö, Sweden
Conference contact email: [email protected].
Editor(s) Adenier, Guillaume (ed.) ; Fuchs, Christopher A (ed.) ; Khrennikov, Andrei Y (ed.)
Imprint New York, NY : AIP, 2007 - 500 p.
Series (AIP conference proceedings ; 889)
ISBN 9780735403918

Corresponding record in: SLACCONF
Contributions in Inspire: C06-06-04.1
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

In Memoriam Walter Philipp (p. 3)
by Hess, Karl
Rényi Entropy and the Uncertainty Relations (p. 52)
by Bialynicki-Birula, Iwo
Security in Quantum Cryptography vs. Nonlocal Hidden Variables (p. 71)
by Aerts, Diederik
Fractal States for Quantum Information Processing (p. 120)
by Jaeger, Gregg
Security Aspects of the Authentication Used in Quantum Cryptography (p. 162)
by Cederlöf, Jörgen
Nonequivalence of Inertial Mass and Active Gravitational Mass (p. 198)
by Nieuwenhuizen, T M
Prediction and Repetition in Quantum Mechanics : The EPR Experiment and Quantum Probability(p. 208)
by Plotnitsky, Arkady
On the Space-Time and State-Space Geometries of Random Processes in Geometric Quantum Mechanics (p. 225)
by Rapoport, Diego L
Bayesian versus Frequentist Predictions in Quantum Tomography (p. 230)
by Schack, Rüdiger
Derivation of the Radiative Transfer Equation (p. 243)
by Von Waldenfels, Wilhelm
A Test of Bell's Inequality with Spacelike Separation (p. 250)
by Weihs, Gregor
The Reduction of Density Matrix and Measurement of Bell-CHSH Inequalities (p. 263)
by Andreev, V
Entanglement, Symmetry and Qualitative Properties of Dynamics (p. 268)
by Buric, Nikola
Price-Dynamics of Shares and Bohmian Mechanics : Deterministic or Stochastic Model?(p. 274)
by Choustova, Olga
Local Equivalence for a Class of Bipartite Quantum Mixed States (p. 294)
by Wang, X H
Does Probability Interference Exist In Social Science? (p. 299)
by Khrennikov, Andrei Y
Entangled Solitons and Quantum Mechanics (p. 315)
by Rybakov, Yu P
Quantum Tomography of Light Polarization : Fundamentals and Information Aspects(p. 319)
by Karassiov, V P
P-adic Dynamical Representation of Gene Expression (p. 324)
by Khrennikov, Andrei
Infinite Lebesgue Distribution on a Current Group as an Invariant Distribution (p. 332)
by Léandre, R
A Quantification of Disturbance (p. 336)
by Maccone, Lorenzo
Relational Weak Values (p. 347)
by Marlow, Thomas
The Sets of Abstract Probabilities (p. 353)
by Maximov, V M
Quantum Mechanics, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Correlated Statistical Mechanics (p. 362)
by McHarris, Wm C
Temporal Analogue of Information-Theoretic Bell Inequalities (p. 369)
by Morikoshi, Fumiaki
Detecting Which Slit Property and an Incompatible One Without Erasure (p. 374)
by Nisticò, G
Simulation of Quantum Algorithms on a Symbolic Computer (p. 383)
by Nyman, Peter
Finite Orthoalgebras without Two-valued Probability Measures (p. 403)
by Ruuge, Artur E
The Ito-Clifford Wong-Zakai Integrals and Martingale Representation (p. 407)
by JosephSpring, William
The Relational Blockworld Interpretation of Non-relativistic Quantum Mechanics (p. 412)
by Stuckey, W M
On Hysteresis of Value Assignments to Observables during Changes of Context (p. 422)
by Uchiyama, Satoshi
A Probabilistic View on Decoherence Theory (p. 427)
by Vacchini, B
Some Mathematical Structures Including Simplified Non-Relativistic Quantum Teleportation Equations and Special Relativity (p. 432)
by Woesler, Richard
Delirium Quantum : Or, where I will take quantum mechanics if it will let me(p. 438)
by Fuchs, Christopher A

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 Record created 2006-02-12, last modified 2021-07-30