CERN Accelerating science

Title Status of the ISAC-II Accelerator at TRIUMF
Author(s) Laxdal, Robert E ; Andersson, Willy ; Bricault, Pierre ; Bylinskii, Iouri ; Fong, Ken ; Marchetto, Marco ; Mitra, Amiya K ; Poirier, Roger L ; Rawnsley, William R ; Schmor, Paul ; Sekachev, Igor ; Stanford, Guy ; Stinson, Glen ; Zviagintsev, Vladimir
Affiliation (TRIUMF, Vancouver)
Publication 2005
In: 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.2003
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract A heavy ion superconducting linac is being installed at TRIUMF to increase the final energy of radioactive beams at ISAC. A first stage of 20MV consisting of five medium beta cryomodules each with four quarter wave bulk niobium cavities and a superconducting solenoid is being installed with initial beam commissioning scheduled for Dec. 2005. The initial cryomodule has met cryogenic and rf performance specifications. In addition we have demonstrated acceleration of alpha particles in an off-line test. A 500W refrigerator system has been installed and commissioned in Jan. 2005 with cold distribution due for commissioning in Sept. 2005. A transfer beamline from the ISAC accelerator and beam transport to a first experimental station are being installed. The status of the project will be presented.

 Registro creado el 2006-02-09, última modificación el 2024-02-23