| Chromatically Corrected Imaging Systems for Charged-Particle Radiography |
| Blind, Barbara ; Jason, Andrew J |
| (LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico) ; (LANL/LANSCE, Los Alamos, New Mexico) |
| 2005 |
| 21st IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, TN, USA, 16 - 20 May 2005, pp.225 |
Subject category
| Accelerators and Storage Rings |
| In proton radiography, imaging with systems consisting of quadrupole magnets is an established technique for viewing the material distribution and composition of objects, either statically or during fast events such as explosions. With the most favorable magnet configuration, the -I lens, chromatic aberrations generally dominate the image blur. Image resolution can be improved, and largely decoupled from the input-beam parameters, by using a second-order achromatic bend with some additional higher-order aberration correction. The aberration-correction approach is discussed. For a given resolution, such a bend allows use of much lower-energy imaging particles than a -I lens. Each bend design represents a set of equivalent systems; an 800-MeV proton design and its equivalent 40-MeV electron system are presented. The electron system is useful for imaging small objects. Magnet errors in the achromatic bends must be tightly controlled to preserve image quality, but not beyond feasibility of present technology. System performance is verified by particle tracking. Configurations alternative to the canonical achromatic bend are also discussed. |