| The paper describes the current status of generalpurpose RTS&T (Radiation Transport Simulation and Isotopes Transmutation) multi-particles Monte Carlo radiation transport code [1]. New developments in modelling of discrete hadronic interactions (implementation of improved version for hA-interaction models and modern evaluated nuclear data libraries) are described. A comparison of the recent experimental data on double differential and total yields of diffractive, s, g and b-particles resulting from the high-energy hN- , hA- and AA-interactions is made with different semi-empirical and theoretical models of direct hadron production: data-driven model, parametrizationdriven model, intranuclear cascade model, quark-gluon string model, parton cascade model and quantum molecular dynamic model combined with generalized excitonevaporation (Fermi break-up)-fussion model to describe of slow particles and residual nuclei emission. The geometry presentation system and enhanced RTS&T-CAD-interface are described also. |