CERN Accélérateur de science

Report number hep-ph/0511332 ; FERMILAB-CONF-05-541-T ; CERN-PH-TH-2005-228 ; SNOWMASS-2005-ALCPG0214 ; SNOWMASS-2005-PLEN0044 ; CERN-PH-TH-2005-228
Title Toward High Precision Higgs-Boson Measurements at the International Linear e+e- Collider
Related titleHIGGS BOSON
Author(s) Heinemeyer, S. ; Kanemura, S. ; Logan, H. ; Raspereza, A. ; Tait, Timothy M.P. ; Baer, H. ; Berger, Edmond L. ; Birkedal, A. ; Brient, J.-C. ; Carena, Marcela ; Cembranos, J.A.R. ; Choi, S. ; Godfrey, S. ; Gunion, J. ; Haber, H.E. ; Han, T. ; Heath, H. ; Hesselbach, S. ; Kalinowski, J. ; Kilian, W. ; Moortgat-Pick, Gudrid A. ; Moretti, S. ; Mrenna, S. ; Muhlleitner, M. ; Petriello, F. ; Reuter, J. ; Ronan, Michael T. ; Skands, Peter Z. ; Sopczak, A. ; Spira, M. ; Wagner, C. ; Weiglein, G. ; Zerwas, P.
Affiliation (CERN)
Publication 2005
Imprint 29 Nov 2005
Number of pages 128
In: 2nd International Linear Collider Physics and Detector Workshop and 2nd ILC Accelerator Workshop, Snowmass, CO, USA, 14 - 27 Aug 2005, pp.0214
Subject category Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Abstract This report reviews the properties of Higgs bosons in the Standard Model (SM) and its various extensions. We give an extensive overview about the potential of the ILC operated at centre-of-mass energies up to 1 TeV (including the gamma gamma option) for the determination of the Higgs boson properties. This comprises the measurement of the Higgs boson mass, its couplings to SM fermions and gauge bosons, and the determination of the spin and the CP quantum numbers of the Higgs. The extensions of the SM that are analyzed in more detail are heavy SM-like Higgs bosons, heavy Higgs bosons in the framework of Supersymmetry (SUSY) and further exotic scenarios. We review recent theoretical developments in the field of Higgs boson physics. The important question what the ILC can contribute to Higgs boson physics after the LHC, the LHC/ILC interplay and synergy is discussed. The impact of Higgs boson physics on cosmology in several SUSY frameworks is analyzed. The impact of the accelerator and dector performance on the precision of measurements are discussed in detail. We propose a strategy to optimize future analyses. Open questions arising for the various topics are listed, further topics of study and corresponding roadmaps are suggested.

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 Notice créée le 2005-12-01, modifiée le 2023-01-31