CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 1st European Conference On Molecular Imaging Technology
Related conference title(s) EuroMedIm 2006
Date(s), location 9 - 12 May 2006, Marseilles, France
Conference contact email: [email protected]
Palais du Pharo, Marseille, France
Editor(s) Auffray, Etiennette (ed.) (CERN) ; Lecoq, Paul (ed.) ; Mundler, Olivier (ed.)
Imprint 2007
In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A
Subject category Health Physics and Radiation Effects

Corresponding record in: SLACCONF
Contributions in Inspire: C06-05-09.4
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Microelectronics technologies for new detectors in medical imaging (p. 7)
by Heijne, Erik H M
Clear-PEM: A PET imaging system dedicated to breast cancer diagnostics (p. 81)
by Abreu, M C
Development of scintillation materials for PET scanners (p. 122)
by Korzhik, Mikhail
Recent Results with a segmented Hybrid Photon Detector for a novel parallax-free PET Scanner for Brain Imaging (p. 134)
by Braem, André
Status of hadron therapy in Europe and the role of ENLIGHT (p. 191)
by Dosanjh, Manjit
LHCb Calorimeters High Voltage System (p. 294)
by Gilitsky, Y
Properties of LuAP: CE scintillator containing intentional impurities (p. 325)
by Petrosyan, A G
Development of a new photo-detector readout technique for PET and CT imaging (p. 329)
by Powolny, François
Solid-state photo-detectors for both CT and PET applications (p. 333)
by Moraes, Danielle
Study of multi-pixel Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes as a read-out for PET (p. 362)
by Musienko, Yuri
Dual-energy radiography of bone tissues using ZnSe-based scintielectronic detectors (p. 399)
by Grinyov, B
Scintillator studies for the HPD-PET concept (p. 419)
by Braem, D

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 Record created 2005-10-31, last modified 2021-07-30

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