CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 7th International High Energy Density and High Power RF Workshop
Related conference title(s) RF 2005
Date(s), location 13 - 17 Jun 2005, Kalamata, Greece
Editor(s) Abe, David K (ed.) ; Nusinovich, Gregory S (ed.)
Imprint New York, NY : AIP, 2006 - 518 p.
Series (AIP conference proceedings ; 807)
ISBN 0735402981
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Abstract This is the seventh in a series of international workshops on high-power and high-energy density microwave devices for accelerator, plasma physics, and defense applications. The underlying theme is the research and development of techniques to increase microwave energy density and peak power in active and passive microwave devices and components spanning the range from 1 GHz up through the lower THz frequencies. The scope of this workshop includes accelerators for high energy physics, plasma heating and current drive in controlled thermonuclear fusion research, radar and directed energy/high power microwave (HPM) systems, THz sources and technologies, and advanced 2D/3D computational tool development.

Contributions in Inspire: C05-06-13.4
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Normal Conducting CLIC Technology (p. 11)
by Jensen, E
An Overview of Gyrotron-Related Research in Greece (p. 46)
by Vomvoridis, J L
Basics of Radial Sheet Beam Interactions with Potential Applications in the Microwave K- and W-Bands (p. 55)
by Wessel-Berg, Tore
Multiple-Beam Klystrons and Their Use in Complex Microwave Devices (p. 65)
by Gelvich, E A
Experimental Performance of the NRL 8-Beam, 4-Cavity Multiple-Beam Klystron (p. 80)
by Abe, D K
Technological Progress on Multi-Beam Klystrons (p. 82)
by Ding, Yaogen
CLIC 50 MW L-Band Multi-Beam Klystron (p. 90)
by Jensen, E
Multiple Beam Klystron Research at Calabazas Creek Research (p. 100)
by Ives, Lawrence
Review and Projections of Research into High Power and Conventional RF Sources (p. 126)
by Agee, Forrest Jack
Progress in CPI Microwave Tube Development (p. 145)
by Wright, Edward L
Improved Dispenser Cathodes (p. 158)
by LawrenceIves, R
Gyrotron Development in the EU for Present Fusion Experiments and for ITER (p. 167)
by Thumm, M K
CPI Gyrotrons For Fusion EC Heating (p. 180)
by Jory, H
Dynamics of Mode Competition in the Gyrotron Backward-Wave Oscillator (p. 191)
by Chu, K R
Development of an Ultra High Frequency Gyrotron with a Pulsed Magnet (p. 197)
by Idehara, T
Azimuthal Instability of Gyrotron Radiation (p. 206)
by Nusinovich, G S
UC Davis 94 GHz Gyrotron Traveling-wave Amplifier Development (p. 207)
by Luhmann, N C
Design and Simulation of a Thermionic Cusp Gun for a Gyro-TWA (p. 208)
by Rafferty, E G
Construction of a Ka-Band Cusp Gun Second-Harmonic Gyro-TWT Amplifier (p. 213)
by Harriet, S B
Electron Emission Inhomogeneity and Low-Frequency Parasitic Oscillations in a Gyrotron (p. 219)
by Louksha, O
High Peak Power Gyroklystron with an Inverted Magnetron Injection Gun (p. 221)
by Read, Michael
Dynamics and Output Momentum Spectrum of Electrons Under Harmonic Resonance in Gyrotron Resonators (p. 232)
by Kominis, Y
Co-axial Ka-band Free Electron Maser Using Two-dimensional Feedback (p. 238)
by Phelps, A D R
Microwave Generation from an Electron Horseshoe Distribution : Theory and Experiment(p. 246)
by Ronald, K
Design and Test of a 34 GHz Peniotron (p. 252)
by Dressman, L J
Studies of the Electromagnetic Spectrum of Corrugated Waveguides (p. 257)
by Latsas, G P
Coaxial Gyrotron Cavities with Resistive Corrugated Insert for Powerful Second-Harmonic Operation (p. 264)
by Avramides, Konstantinos A
Three-Dimensional Self-Consistent Electrostatic Simulations of Gyrotron Beam Tunnel Assemblies (p. 271)
by Pagonakis, J G
Self-Consistent Post-Amplification of a Gyrotron RF Beam by a Sheet Electron Beam (p. 279)
by Anastasiou, George E
Recent Developments in Advanced Design Codes for Vacuum Electronic Devices (p. 285)
by Levush, Baruch
Beam Optics Analysis : an Advanced 3D Trajectory Code(p. 292)
by LawrenceIves, R
Feasibility Study of Two-Step LIGA-Fabricated Circuits Applicable to Millimeter/Submillimeter Wave Sources (p. 299)
by Park, G S
Roads to Chaos in Microwave Circuits and Devices (p. 309)
by Vavriv, D M
Millimeter-Wave Magnetron Transmitters for High-Resolution Radars (p. 320)
by Vavriv, D M
MM-Wave Source Development at Los Alamos (p. 326)
by Carlsten, Bruce E
Wideband RF Structure for Millimeter Wave TWTs (p. 335)
by Earley, Lawrence
Investigation of the Millimeter-Wave Plasma Assisted CVD Reactor (p. 342)
by Vikharev, A
Sources of Coherent Terahertz Radiation (p. 356)
by Bratman, Vladimir L
Potential of the Clinotron for THz-Generation (p. 367)
by Vavriv, D M
Design and Test of a Submillimeter-Wave Backward Wave Oscillator (p. 373)
by LawrenceIves, R
Tunable THz Generation by the Interaction of a Super-luminous Laser Pulse with Biased Semiconductor Plasma (p. 379)
by Papadopoulos, K
Novel THz Radiation Sources (p. 390)
by Muggli, Patric
Development of a Dielectric-Loaded Accelerator Test Facility Based on an X-Band Magnicon Amplifier (p. 407)
by Gold, S H
Study of Ka-Band High-Power Transmission Lines (p. 424)
by Kuzikov, S V
Design of High Gradient Accelerating Structure for CLIC (p. 439)
by Grudiev, A
30 GHz High Power Production for CLIC (p. 447)
by Syratchev, I V
RF Pulse Compression Using Helically Corrugated Waveguides (p. 474)
by MacInnes, P
On the RF Systems of the ILC (p. 480)
by Tantawi, S G

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 Record created 2005-09-27, last modified 2024-07-09

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