Normal Conducting CLIC Technology (p. 11) |
by Jensen, E |
An Overview of Gyrotron-Related Research in Greece (p. 46) |
by Vomvoridis, J L |
Basics of Radial Sheet Beam Interactions with Potential Applications in the Microwave K- and W-Bands (p. 55) |
by Wessel-Berg, Tore |
Multiple-Beam Klystrons and Their Use in Complex Microwave Devices (p. 65) |
by Gelvich, E A |
Experimental Performance of the NRL 8-Beam, 4-Cavity Multiple-Beam Klystron (p. 80) |
by Abe, D K |
Technological Progress on Multi-Beam Klystrons (p. 82) |
by Ding, Yaogen |
CLIC 50 MW L-Band Multi-Beam Klystron (p. 90) |
by Jensen, E |
Multiple Beam Klystron Research at Calabazas Creek Research (p. 100) |
by Ives, Lawrence |
Review and Projections of Research into High Power and Conventional RF Sources (p. 126) |
by Agee, Forrest Jack |
Progress in CPI Microwave Tube Development (p. 145) |
by Wright, Edward L |
Improved Dispenser Cathodes (p. 158) |
by LawrenceIves, R |
Gyrotron Development in the EU for Present Fusion Experiments and for ITER (p. 167) |
by Thumm, M K |
CPI Gyrotrons For Fusion EC Heating (p. 180) |
by Jory, H |
Dynamics of Mode Competition in the Gyrotron Backward-Wave Oscillator (p. 191) |
by Chu, K R |
Development of an Ultra High Frequency Gyrotron with a Pulsed Magnet (p. 197) |
by Idehara, T |
Azimuthal Instability of Gyrotron Radiation (p. 206) |
by Nusinovich, G S |
UC Davis 94 GHz Gyrotron Traveling-wave Amplifier Development (p. 207) |
by Luhmann, N C |
Design and Simulation of a Thermionic Cusp Gun for a Gyro-TWA (p. 208) |
by Rafferty, E G |
Construction of a Ka-Band Cusp Gun Second-Harmonic Gyro-TWT Amplifier (p. 213) |
by Harriet, S B |
Electron Emission Inhomogeneity and Low-Frequency Parasitic Oscillations in a Gyrotron (p. 219) |
by Louksha, O |
High Peak Power Gyroklystron with an Inverted Magnetron Injection Gun (p. 221) |
by Read, Michael |
Dynamics and Output Momentum Spectrum of Electrons Under Harmonic Resonance in Gyrotron Resonators (p. 232) |
by Kominis, Y |
Co-axial Ka-band Free Electron Maser Using Two-dimensional Feedback (p. 238) |
by Phelps, A D R |
Microwave Generation from an Electron Horseshoe Distribution : Theory and Experiment(p. 246) |
by Ronald, K |
Design and Test of a 34 GHz Peniotron (p. 252) |
by Dressman, L J |
Studies of the Electromagnetic Spectrum of Corrugated Waveguides (p. 257) |
by Latsas, G P |
Coaxial Gyrotron Cavities with Resistive Corrugated Insert for Powerful Second-Harmonic Operation (p. 264) |
by Avramides, Konstantinos A |
Three-Dimensional Self-Consistent Electrostatic Simulations of Gyrotron Beam Tunnel Assemblies (p. 271) |
by Pagonakis, J G |
Self-Consistent Post-Amplification of a Gyrotron RF Beam by a Sheet Electron Beam (p. 279) |
by Anastasiou, George E |
Recent Developments in Advanced Design Codes for Vacuum Electronic Devices (p. 285) |
by Levush, Baruch |
Beam Optics Analysis : an Advanced 3D Trajectory Code(p. 292) |
by LawrenceIves, R |
Feasibility Study of Two-Step LIGA-Fabricated Circuits Applicable to Millimeter/Submillimeter Wave Sources (p. 299) |
by Park, G S |
Roads to Chaos in Microwave Circuits and Devices (p. 309) |
by Vavriv, D M |
Millimeter-Wave Magnetron Transmitters for High-Resolution Radars (p. 320) |
by Vavriv, D M |
MM-Wave Source Development at Los Alamos (p. 326) |
by Carlsten, Bruce E |
Wideband RF Structure for Millimeter Wave TWTs (p. 335) |
by Earley, Lawrence |
Investigation of the Millimeter-Wave Plasma Assisted CVD Reactor (p. 342) |
by Vikharev, A |
Sources of Coherent Terahertz Radiation (p. 356) |
by Bratman, Vladimir L |
Potential of the Clinotron for THz-Generation (p. 367) |
by Vavriv, D M |
Design and Test of a Submillimeter-Wave Backward Wave Oscillator (p. 373) |
by LawrenceIves, R |
Tunable THz Generation by the Interaction of a Super-luminous Laser Pulse with Biased Semiconductor Plasma (p. 379) |
by Papadopoulos, K |
Novel THz Radiation Sources (p. 390) |
by Muggli, Patric |
Development of a Dielectric-Loaded Accelerator Test Facility Based on an X-Band Magnicon Amplifier (p. 407) |
by Gold, S H |
Study of Ka-Band High-Power Transmission Lines (p. 424) |
by Kuzikov, S V |
Design of High Gradient Accelerating Structure for CLIC (p. 439) |
by Grudiev, A |
30 GHz High Power Production for CLIC (p. 447) |
by Syratchev, I V |
RF Pulse Compression Using Helically Corrugated Waveguides (p. 474) |
by MacInnes, P |
On the RF Systems of the ILC (p. 480) |
by Tantawi, S G |