CERN Accelerating science

Title Evidence for dominant vector-meson production in inelastic proton- proton collisions at 53 GeV cm energy
Author(s) Jancso, G (Annecy, LAPP) ; Albrow, M G (Rutherford) ; Almehed, S (Lund U.) ; Bøggild, H (Bohr Inst.) ; Booth, P S L (Liverpool U.) ; Bürger, J (Massachussets Inst. Tech., Cambridge) ; Carroll, L J (Liverpool U.) ; Catz, P (Annecy, LAPP) ; Dahl-Jensen, Erik (Bohr Inst.) ; Dahl-Jensen, I (Bohr Inst.) ; Damgaard, G (Bohr Inst.) ; de Bouard, X (Annecy, LAPP) ; Elverhaug, N (Bergen U.) ; Guillerminet, Bernard (Annecy, LAPP) ; Hansen, K (Bohr Inst.) ; Herbsleb, P (Bohr Inst.) ; Jackson, J N (Liverpool U.) ; Jarlskog, G (Lund U.) ; Jensen, H B (CERN) ; Jönsson, L B (Lund U.) ; Klovning, A (Bergen U.) ; Lillethun, E (Bergen U.) ; Little, R (Massachussets Inst. Tech., Cambridge) ; Lohse, E (Bohr Inst.) ; Lörstad, B (Lund U.) ; Lu, A (Annecy, LAPP) ; McCubbin, N A (Rutherford) ; Melin, A (Lund U.) ; Miettinen, H (Bohr Inst.) ; Møller, R (Bohr Inst.) ; Morris, J V (Liverpool U.) ; Nielsen, B S (Bohr Inst.) ; Nielsen, S O (Bohr Inst.) ; Petersen, J O (Bohr Inst.) ; Sanford, T (Massachussets Inst. Tech., Cambridge) ; Skard, J A J (Bergen U.) ; Smith, D B (Annecy, LAPP) ; Villeneuve, P (CERN) ; von Dardel, Guy F (Lund U.)
Publication 1977
Number of pages 11
In: Nucl. Phys. B 124 (1977) 1-11
DOI 10.1016/0550-3213(77)90271-1
Subject category Particle Physics - Phenomenology
Abstract The Split Field Magnet facility at the CERN ISR has been used to measure inclusive resonance production in inelastic p-p collisions at a cm energy of 53 GeV. The mass spectrum of pairs of oppositely charged hadrons shows a strong correlation, which can be explained as a consequence of dominant vector meson production, accounting for more than 60% of all pions and kaons produced. (10 refs).

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