CERN Accelerating science

Title A large drift chamber with image read out to localize high energy electromagnetic showers
Author(s) Bacci, C ; Bernabei, R ; Ceradini, F ; D'Angelo, S ; Lacava, F ; Moricca, M ; Paoluzi, L ; Salvini, G
Affiliation (Istituto di Fisica 'G Marconi', Univ di Roma, Roma, Italy)
Publication 1981
In: Phys. Scr. 23 (1981) 662-7
In: International Conference on Experimentation at LEP, pp.662-7
DOI 10.1088/0031-8949/23/4B/010
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Abstract The very forward region of the experiment UA1 at the CERN pp Collider will be equipped with calorimeters to detect photons and hadrons of energy 5-250 GeV. To localize electromagnetic showers large cell drift chambers will be housed between the modula of the calorimeters. The image of showers will be recorded in two projections by measurements continuously with fast analog to digital converters the drift time and the charge division along the wires. A prototype chamber made up to two 19 cm long drift cells, divided by two rows of 70 cm long anode wires has been built in Rome and tested at CERN with single ionizing particles and showers of energy 5-50 GeV. Results as a function of the shower energy and the ionization rate are reported. (5 refs).

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 レコード 生成: 2005-08-25, 最終変更: 2019-02-21

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