CERN Accelerating science

Scientific Committee Paper
Report number CERN-LHCC-2005-025 ; LHCC-I-015
Title FP420 : An R&D Proposal to Investigate the Feasibility of Installing Proton Tagging Detectors in the 420 m Region of the LHC
Author(s) Cox, Brian (Manchester Univ.) ; Albrow, M G ; Anthonis, T ; Arneodo, M ; Barlow, R ; Beaumont, W ; Brandt, A ; Bussey, P ; Buttar, C ; Capua, M ; Cole, J E ; Da Vià, C ; de Roeck, A (CERN) ; De Wolf, E A ; Forshaw, J R ; Freeman, J ; Grafström, P (CERN) ; Gronberg, J ; Grothe, M ; Hasi, J ; Heath, G P ; Hedberg, P ; Kennedy, B W ; Kenney, C ; Khoze, V A ; Kowalski, H ; Lamsa, J ; Lange, D ; Lemaître, V ; Loebinger, F K ; Mastroberardino, A ; Militaru, O ; Newbold, D ; Orava, R ; O'Shea, V ; Österberg, K ; Parker, S ; Petroff, P ; Pinfold, J L ; Piotrzkowski, K ; Rijssenbeek, M ; Rohlf, J ; Rurua, L ; Ruspa, M ; Ryskin, M G ; Saxon, D H ; Schlein, P ; Snow, G ; Sobol, A ; Solano, A ; Stirling, W J ; Tasevsky, M ; Tassi, E ; Van Mechelen, P ; Watts, S J ; Wengler, T ; White, S ; Wright, D
Affiliation (Fermilab) ; (Univ. Manchester) ; (Univ. Eastern Piedmont, Novara and INFN Turin) ; (Cockcroft Inst.) ; (Univ. Antwerpen) ; (Univ. of Texas, Arlington) ; (Univ. Glasgow) ; (Univ. Calabria and INFN Cosenza) ; (Bristol Univ.) ; (Brunel Univ.) ; (Lawrence Livermore Nat. Lab.) ; (Univ. and INFN Turin) ; (Univ. Lund) ; (Rutherford Appleton Lab.) ; (Molecular Biology Consortium) ; (Durham Univ.) ; (DESY) ; (Univ. Helsinki) ; (UC Louvain) ; (Univ. Hawaii) ; (LAL, Orsay) ; (Univ. Alberta) ; (Stony Brook Univ.) ; (Boston Univ.) ; (UCLA) ; (Univ. Nebraska) ; (Acad. of Sci of the Czech Republic) ; (Brookhaven Nat. Lab.)
Series (Letter of Intent)
Submitted by [email protected] on 21 Jun 2005
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; FP420
Copyright/License © CERN (License: CC-BY-4.0)

 Record created 2005-06-21, last modified 2018-10-23

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