Główna > Status of the Cooler Synchrotron COSY-Juelich |
Article | |
Title | Status of the Cooler Synchrotron COSY-Juelich |
Author(s) | Lorentz, Bernd ; Bechstedt, Ulf ; Dietrich, Jürgen ; Eichhorn, Ralf ; Gebel, Ralf ; Lehrach, Andreas ; Maier, Rudolf ; Prasuhn, Dieter ; Schnase, Alexander ; Schneider, H ; Stassen, Rolf ; Stockhorst, Hans ; Tolle, Raimund |
Affiliation | (FZJ/IKP, Julich) |
Publication | 2004 |
Number of pages | 3 |
In: | 9th European Particle Accelerator Conference, Lucerne, Switzerland, 5 - 9 Jul 2004, pp.1246 |
Subject category | Accelerators and Storage Rings |
Free keywords | dipole ; electron ; injection ; polarization ; proton |