CERN Accelerating science

Report number nucl-ex/0312022
Title Multistrange Hyperon Production in Pb+Pb collisions at 30, 40, 80 and 158 A$\cdot$GeV

Mitrovski, Michael (Institut fur Kernphysik, 60486 Frankfurt, Germany) ; Alt, C ; Anticic, T ; Baatar, B ; Barna, D ; Bartke, Jerzy ; Behler, M ; Betev, L ; Bialkowska, H ; Billmeier, A ; Blume, C ; Boimska, B ; Botje, M ; Bracinik, J ; Bramm, R ; Brun, R ; Buncic, P ; Cerny, V ; Christakoglou, P ; Chvala, O ; Cramer, J G ; Csató, P ; Darmenov, N ; Dimitrov, A ; Dinkelaker, P ; Eckardt, V ; Filip, P ; Fischer, H G ; Flierl, D ; Fodor, Z ; Foka, P ; Freund, P ; Friese, V ; Gál, J ; Gazdzicki, M ; Georgopoulos, G ; Gladysz-Dziadus, E ; Hegyi, S ; Höhne, C ; Kadija, K ; Karev, A ; Kliemant, M ; Kniege, S ; Kolesnikov, V I ; Kollegger, T ; Kornas, E ; Korus, R ; Kowalski, M ; Kraus, I ; Kreps, M ; Van Leeuwen, M ; Lévai, Peter ; Litov, L ; Lungwitz, B ; Makariev, M ; Malakhov, A I ; Markert, C ; Mateev, M ; Mayes, B W ; Melkumov, G L ; Meurer, C ; Mischke, A ; Molnár, J ; Mrówczynski, S ; Pálla, G ; Panagiotou, A D ; Panayotov, D ; Perl, K ; Petridis, A ; Pikna, M ; Pinsky, L ; Pühlhofer, F ; Reid, J G ; Renfordt, R E ; Retyk, W ; Richard, A ; Roland, C ; Roland, G ; Rybczynski, M ; Rybicki, A ; Sandoval, A ; Sann, H ; Schmitz, N ; Seyboth, P ; Siklér, F ; Sitár, B ; Skrzypczak, E ; Stefanek, G ; Stock, R ; Ströbele, H ; Susa, T ; Szentpétery, I ; Sziklai, J ; Trainor, T A ; Varga, D ; Vassiliou, Maria ; Veres, G I ; Vesztergombi, G ; Vranic, D ; Wenig, S ; Wetzler, A ; Wlodarczyk, Z ; Yoo, I K ; Zaranek, J ; Zimányi, J

Publication 2004
Imprint 29 Dec 2003
Number of pages 3
In: Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 53 (2004) 269-272
DOI 10.1016/j.ppnp.2004.02.017
Subject category Nuclear Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; NA49
Abstract A non-monotonic energy dependence of the K**+/pi**+ ratio with a sharp maximum close to 30 A GeV was observed in central Pb+Pb collisions. It was suggested that the kinematic freeze-out of omega takes place directly at QGP hadronization. The NA49 detector, a large acceptance hadron spectrometer at the CERN SPS, consisting of four TCPs was also discussed. The ionization energy loss (dE/dx) measurements in the two Main TPCs (MTPC), which were outside the magnetic field, were used for mass determination. (Edited abstract) 12 Refs.

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 Запись создана 2005-02-04, последняя модификация 2016-06-29

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