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Report number JINR-R1-2002-219
Title Characteristics of pC interactions at a momentum of 4.2 GeV/c in dependence on the degree of centrality of proton interactions with carbon nucleus. Kinematical characteristics of secondary particles
Related titleKharakteristiki pC-vzaimodejstvij pri impul'se 4,2 GehV/c v zavisimosti ot stepeni tsentral'nosti soudareniya protona s yadrom ugleroda. Kinematicheskie kharakteristiki vtorichnykh chastits
Author(s) Galoyan, A S ; Kladnitskaya, E N ; Rogachevski, O V ; Togoo, P ; Uzhinskij, V V
Publication 2002
Imprint 2002
Number of pages 35
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Abstract The centrality dependence of momenta, transverse momenta and rapidity distributions for pi sup+- mesons and protons in interactions of protons with the carbon nucleus at a momentum of 4.2 GeV/c are presented. The mean values of momenta, transverse momenta and rapidity of these particles are obtained at different centralities of collisions. The experimental data are compared with the results of the cascade-evaporation model and two variants of the modified FRITIOF model. It is shown that mean momenta and rapidities of secondary particles decrease, mean emission angles increase and mean transverse momenta are practically constant with increasing of the collision centrality. These results are in agreement with the hypothesis of particle cascade in nuclei. However, the result of the cascade-evaporation model for

of participating protons differs from the experimental data. For the modified FRITIOF model taking into account DELTA sup + and DELTA sup 0 isobars, a good description of the experimental of the experimental data is achieved. The stopping power of the carbon nucleus for protons with a momentum of 4.2 GeV/c is estimated.


 Record creato 2004-06-30, modificato l'ultima volta il 2009-07-13

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