CERN Accelerating science

Title Results on leptonic probes from NA50

Alessandro, B ; Alexa, C ; Arnaldi, R ; Atayan, M ; Baglin, C ; Baldit, A ; Bedjidian, Marc ; Beolè, S ; Boldea, V ; Bordalo, P ; Borenstein, S R ; Borges, G ; Bussière, A ; Capelli, L ; Castanier, C ; Castor, J I ; Chaurand, B ; Cheynis, B ; Chiavassa, E ; Cicalò, C ; Claudino, T ; Comets, M P ; Constantinescu, S ; Cortese, P ; Cruz, J ; De Falco, A ; De Marco, N ; Dellacasa, G ; Devaux, A ; Dita, S ; Drapier, O ; Espagnon, B ; Fargeix, J ; Force, P ; Gallio, M ; Gavrilov, Yu K ; Gerschel, C ; Giubellino, P ; Golubeva, M B ; Gonin, M ; Grigorian, A A ; Grigorian, S ; Grossiord, J Y ; Guber, F F ; Guichard, A ; Gulkanian, H R ; Hakobyan, R S ; Haroutunian, R ; Idzik, M ; Jouan, D ; Karavitcheva, T L ; Kluberg, L ; Kurepin, A B ; Le Bornec, Y ; Lourenço, C ; Macciotta, P ; MacCormick, M ; Marzari-Chiesa, A ; Masera, M ; Masoni, A ; Monteno, M ; Musso, A ; Petiau, P ; Piccotti, A ; Pizzi, J R ; Prado da Silva, W L ; Prino, F ; Puddu, G ; Quintans, C ; Ramello, L ; Ramos, S ; Rato-Mendes, P ; Riccati, L ; Romana, A ; Santos, H ; Saturnini, P ; Scalas, E ; Scomparin, E ; Serci, S ; Shahoyan, R ; Sigaudo, F ; Sitta, M ; Sonderegger, P ; Tarrago, X ; Topilskaya, N S ; Usai, G L ; Vercellin, Ermanno ; Villatte, L ; Willis, N ; Wu, T

Affiliation (CERN)
Publication 2003
In: Nucl. Phys. A 715 (2003) 243c-51c
In: 16th International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Nantes, France, 18 - 24 Jul 2002, pp.243c-51c
DOI 10.1016/S0375-9474(02)01432-X
Subject category Nuclear Physics
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; NA50
Abstract The NA50 Collaboration has performed a new measurement of the J/$\psi$ yield in Pb-Pb collisions at 158 GeV/nucleon in improved experimental conditions. Our preliminary analysis of the year 2000 data sample, while confirming the onset of anomalous suppression and the non saturation of the J/$\psi$ / Drell-Yan cross-section ratio, shows that peripheral Pb-Pb interactions follow the normal nuclear absorption pattern, which has in turn been established more precisely thanks to high statistics p-A data. (11 refs).

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 Record created 2004-01-16, last modified 2018-06-18