CERN Accelerating science

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Report number LNF-75-52 ; LNF-75-52-R
Title Alpha-photon elastic scattering in the backward hemisphere
Author(s) Berger, J ; Bizard, G ; Duflo, J ; Fabbri, Franco Luigi ; Goldzahl, L ; Le Brun, C ; Oostens, J ; Picozza, P ; Plouin, F ; Satta, L ; Van den Bossche, M ; Vu-Hai, L
Affiliation (CNRS) ; (Caen Univ.) ; (CNEN Frascati) ; (CEA Saclay)
Publication 1975
Imprint 18 Nov 1975
Number of pages 6
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment


 Element opprettet 2004-01-04, sist endret 2010-04-21