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Report number BNL-19469
Title Observation of increasing charged multiplicity as a function of transverse momentum in p + p $\to \pi^{+}$ + MM at 28.5 Gev/c
Author(s) Anderson, E W ; Clifford, T S ; Collins, G B ; Ficenec, J R ; Fisher, G P ; Gilbert, D R ; Gutay, L J ; Laasanen, A ; Larson, G P ; Lazarus, E ; Moy, K M ; Schreiner, W N ; Schübelin, P ; Stringfellow, B C ; Trower, W P ; Turkot, F ; Von Lindern, L
Affiliation (Brookhaven) ; (Purdue Univ. Lafayette) ; (Virginia Poly. Inst and State Univ.)
Publication 1974
Imprint Nov 1974
Number of pages 8
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment


 Record created 2004-01-04, last modified 2010-04-21