CERN Accelerating science

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Title A study of the reactions $\pi^{+}p \to K^{+}\Sigma^{+}$ and $K^{-}p \to \pi^{-}\Sigma^{+}$ at 10 GeV/c
Author(s) Berglund, A ; Buran, T ; Carlson, P J ; Damerell, C J S ; Endo, I ; Gillman, A R ; Gracco, Valerio ; Homer, R J ; Hotchkiss, M J ; Lundby, Arne ; Macri, M ; Ratcliff, B N ; Santroni, A ; Tso, T ; Wickens, F J (RAL Chilton) ; Wilson, J A
Affiliation (Birmingham) ; (CERN) ; (Genova Univ. and INFN Genova) ; (Rutherford Lab.) ; (Stockholm Univ.)
Publication 1975
Imprint 10 Apr 1975
Number of pages 10
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN PS


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