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Title Measurement of the reaction $\pi^{-}p \to \pi^{+}\pi^{-}n$ on a transversely polarized target at 17 GeV

Becker, H ; Blum, W ; Chabaud, V ; de Groot, H ; Dietl, H ; Gallivan, J ; Gottschalk, B ; Hentschel, G ; Hyams, Bernard David ; Lorenz, E ; Luetjens, G ; Lutz, Gerhard ; Männer, W ; Niczyporuk, B B ; Notz, D ; Papadopoulou, T D ; Richter, R ; Rybicki, K ; Stierlin, U ; Stringfellow, B C ; Turala, M ; Weilhammer, Peter ; Zalewska-Bak, A

Affiliation (CERN)
Publication 1976
Imprint Aug 1976?
Number of pages 25
Note Contribution to the proceedings : 18th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Tbilisi, 15-21 Jul 1976
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN PS ; PS136
CERN PS ; S136


 Notice créée le 2004-01-04, modifiée le 2016-06-29

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