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Report number EFI-98-74-[CHICAGO] ; ERFI-74-98
Title Small angle elastic electron - deuteron scattering
Author(s) Akimov, Yu K ; Andert, K ; Arvanov, A N ; Badalyan, G V ; Banifatov, A E ; Beglaryan, D M ; Borcea, C ; Butà, A ; Chatrchyan, A M ; Kalinin, A I ; Kazarinov, Yu M ; Kiselev, V S ; Lapidus, L I ; Markaryan, D E ; Melikov, G I ; Osipenko, P B ; Petrascu, M ; Petrosyan, Z V ; Petrov, M M ; Pogosov, V S ; Shuravin, V N ; Vardanyan, T A
Affiliation (Dubna 1,3,7,9,11,13) ; (Inst. At. Phys. Bucharest) ; (Inst. Yad. Fiz. Erevan 2,4,6,8,12)
Publication 1974
Imprint 26 Jul 1974
Number of pages 14
Subject category Particle Physics - Experiment


 Δημιουργία εγγραφής 2004-01-04, τελευταία τροποποίηση 2010-04-21