CERN Accelerating science

Title From the preshower to the new technologies for supercolliders : in honor of Antonino Zichichi
Book cover
Author(s) Wiik, Bjørn Haavard (ed.) ; Wenninger, Horst (ed.) ; Wagner, Albrecht (ed.)
Publication River Edge, NJ : World Scientific, 2002 - 354.
Series (World Scientific series in 20th century physics ; 31)
Subject code 93:539.12 ; 539.1.072
Subject category Particle Physics
Keywords LAA project ; LHC ; calorimetry ; particle physics, history
Abstract In the year 2000, the city of Bologna was the European Capital for Culture. For this reason, the University of Bologna and its Academy of Sciences, following the Gugliemo Marconi Centenary and the Luigi Galvani Bicentenary Celebrations, decided to call attention to the major achievements of their most distinguished members, in science and technology.This invaluable volume presents a series of inventions and technological developments, some thought of and directly implemented by Professor Antonino Zichichi, others suggested and developed under his leadership, all of them having contributed to t
ISBN 9789812381996
9789812776389 (electronic version)
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