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Report number MSUCL-1237
Title Generalized isoscaling of isotopic distributions
Author(s) Shomin, R ; Tsang, M B ; Bjarki, O ; Gelbke, C K ; Kunde, G J ; Lemmon, R C ; Lynch, W G ; Magestro, D ; Popescu, R ; Van der Molen, A ; Verde, G ; Westfall, G D ; Xi Hong Fei ; Friedman, W A ; Imme, G ; Maddalena, V ; Nociforo, C ; Raciti, G ; Riccobene, G ; Romano, F ; Saija, A ; Sfienti, C ; Fritz, S ; Gross, C ; Odeh, T ; Schwartz, C ; Nadasen, A ; Sisan, D R ; Rao, K A G
Publication 2002
Imprint Jun 2002
Number of pages 31
Subject category Nuclear Physics


 Record created 2002-08-08, last modified 2016-06-30

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