CERN Accelerating science

Title Optimization of orbit correction systems using generalized response matrices and its application to the LHC injection transfer lines
Author(s) Yu Chiu Chao ; Mertens, V
Affiliation (CERN)
Publication 2001
In: 19th IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, 18 - 22 Jun 2001, pp.3147-9 (v.4)
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC
Abstract The LHC injection transfer lines will transport intense high-energy beams over considerable distances. Their relatively tight apertures require precise control of the trajectory. An analytic method has been developed to optimize the performance, reliability and cost of these lines. This method invokes a comprehensive set of performance criteria, makes detailed predictions on orbit correction effectiveness, configuration defects and critical elements, and gives indications for improvement. A path approaching an optimized configuration can thus be established based on well-defined quantitative criteria. (3 refs).

 Záznam vytvorený 2002-06-15, zmenený 2015-11-25