CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-2002-001
Conference title Mini Workshop on Electron Cloud Simulations for Proton and Positron Beams
Related conference title(s) ECLOUD'02
Date(s), location 15 - 18 Apr 2002, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Conference contact email: [email protected]
fax: +41 (22) 783 0552
phone: +41 (22) 767 9054
Editor(s) Rumolo, Giovanni (ed.) ; Zimmermann, Frank (ed.)
Imprint Geneva : CERN, 2002 - 309 p.
Series (CERN Yellow Reports: Conference Proceedings)
ISBN 9290831936 (print version, paperback)
DOI e-proceedings: 10.5170/CERN-2002-001
Free keywords coherent tune shift ; electron cloud modelling ; electron-beam interactions ; transverse instabilities ; wake fields
Copyright/License publication: © 2002-2024 CERN (License: CC-BY-3.0)

Corresponding record in: SLACCONF ; Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C02-04-15
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Electron Cloud Effects at KEKB (p. 1)
by Fukuma, H
The Electron Cloud Instability in the SPS (p. 11)
by Cornelis, Karel
Electron cloud with LHC-type beams in the SPS : A review of three years of measurements(p. 17)
by Jiménez, J M
Electron Cloud Effects in High-Intensity Proton Accelerators (p. 29)
by Wei, J
Electron Cloud in Linear Collider Damping Rings (p. 41)
by Wolski, A
Electron cloud effects in the LHC (p. 47)
by Zimmermann, Frank
Electron Cloud Build-up and Related Instability in the CERN PS (p. 57)
by Cappi, R
Electron Cloud Measurements and Simulations for RHIC (p. 63)
by Fischer, W
Simulations of Electron Cloud Build Up and Saturation in the APS (p. 69)
by Harkay, K C
Secondary electron emission data for the simulation of electron cloud (p. 75)
by Henrist, Bernard
SPS electron cloud heat load measurements with WAMPAC and simulations (p. 79)
by Baglin, V
Impact of Microwaves on the Electron Cloud and Incoherent Effects (p. 87)
by Decker, Franz Josef
Adiabatic Theory of Electron Oscillations and its Application to SIS100/SIS200 (p. 91)
by Zenkevich, P R
Electron cloud simulations : build-up and related effects(p. 97)
by Rumolo, Giovanni
3D simulation of photoelectron cloud in KEKB LER (p. 113)
by Wang, L F
A simulation study of the electron cloud in the experimental regions of the LHC (p. 123)
by Rossi, A
Qualitative Analysis of Electron cloud effects in the NLC damping ring (p. 129)
by Heifets, S
Electron Cloud Updated Simulation Results for the PSR, and Recent Results for the SNS (p. 137)
by Pivi, M
Simulation of head-tail instability caused by electron cloud in the positron ring at PEP-II (p. 141)
by Cai, Y
Electron cloud simulations : Beam instabilities and wakefields(p. 147)
by Rumolo, Giovanni
Study for an ep Instability in the Joint Project of KEK and JAERI (p. 155)
by Toyama, T
Study for Electron Cloud Build-up and Instability in High Intensity Proton Rings (p. 163)
by Ohmi, K
Head-tail Instability Caused by Electron Cloud (p. 171)
by Perevedentsev, E A
Electron Cloud at High Beam Currents (p. 195)
by Heifets, S
Effect Of Electron Cloud On The Coupled Bunch Instability In KEKB LER (p. 199)
by Win, S S
Electron cloud effect in the damping ring of Japan Linear Collider (p. 207)
by Ohmi, K
Effect of bunch length, chromaticity, and linear coupling on the transverse mode-coupling instability due to the electron cloud (p. 211)
by Métral, Elias
Electron Cloud Build-up and Instability : Comparison Between Observations and Numerical Simulations for the CERN PS(p. 219)
by Giovannozzi, Massimo
Combined Phenomena Of Beam-beam And Beam-electron Cloud Effects In Circular $e^+ e^-$ Colliders (p. 227)
by Ohmi, K
Simulation Study on ECI for BEPC and BEPCII (p. 235)
by Xing, J
Plasma Modeling of Collective Wakefields in Electron Clouds (p. 239)
by Katsouleas, T C
On the Transparency of the Electron Cloud to Synchrotron Radiation (p. 243)
by Kaltchev, D I
Kinetic theory of periodic holes in debunched particle beams (p. 251)
by Griessmeier, J M
Electron Cloud Effects in Intense, Ion Beam Linacs : Theory and Experimental Planning for Heavy-Ion Fusion(p. 253)
by Molvik, A W
Possible Cures for Electron Cloud Problems (p. 259)
by Macek, R J
Driving the Electron-Cloud Instability by an Electron Cooler (p. 269)
by Boine-Frankenheim, O
RF test benches for electron cloud studies (p. 275)
by Iriso-Ariz, U
Future Electron Cloud Studies at CERN and Plans in the Accelerator Physics Group (p. 287)
by Ruggiero, F
Summary of Session I, Experimental Observations at Existing Accelerators and Concerns for Future Machines (p. 289)
by Macek, R J
Summary of Session II, Observations, Laboratory Measurements, Modelling (p. 293)
by Gröbner, Oswald
Summary of Session III (p. 295)
by Furman, M A
Summary of Session IV : Simulations of Electron-Cloud Instabilities(p. 299)
by Zimmermann, Frank
Summary Session V : Comparisons and Plasma Approaches(p. 305)
by Assmann, R W
Summary Report of Session VI (p. 307)
by Chou, W

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 Record created 2002-02-07, last modified 2021-07-30

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