CERN Accélérateur de science

Title A start trigger detector for the ALICE spectrometer
Author(s) Grigoriev, V A ; Kaplin, V A ; Karakas, A I ; Loginov, V A ; Rakhmanov, A L ; Kurepin, A B ; Maevskaya, A I ; Razin, V I ; Reshetin, A I ; Akindinov, A Afficher les 15 auteurs
Affiliation (Moscow State Eng Phys Inst)
Publication 2000
In: Instrum. Exp. Tech. 43 (2000) 750-5
DOI 10.1023/A:1026607631385
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN LHC ; ALICE
Abstract A fall-back option of the T0 start trigger detector was developed for the ALICE setup that was intended for the study of quark-gluon plasma with the LHC accelerator (CERN). The Monte Carlo simulation with the PYTHIA program was performed for a detector incorporating two symmetrical arrays of 12 Cerenkov counters, each composed of 26-mm- diameter Hamamatsu R5505 phototubes with fine-mesh dynodes and a quartz radiator 3 cm in length and 26 mm in diameter. Its simulated detection efficiency for p-p collisions exceeded 88%. A prototype Cerenkov counter, consisting of a R3432-01 (similar to R5505) phototube and a quartz radiator with dimensions of 25*30*12 mm, was tested in a beam of pions and protons with a 1.19-GeV/c-momentum. The time resolution in the 1-200 dynamic range was better than 50 ps. (3 refs).

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