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Report number KEK-2000-143
Title Active Target With Plastic Scintillating Fibers For Hyperon-proton Scattering Experiments
Author(s) Ahn, J K ; Akikawa, H ; Arvieux, Jacques ; Bassalleck, B ; Chung, M S ; Enyo, H ; Fukuda, T ; Funahashi, H ; Golovkin, S V ; Gorin, A M ; Goto, Y ; Hanabata, M ; Hayakawa, T ; Ichikawa, A ; Ieiri, M ; Imai, K ; Ishino, M ; Kanda, H ; Kim, Y D ; Kondo, Y ; Kozarenko, E N ; Kreslo, I E ; Lee, J M ; Masaike, A ; Mihara, S ; Nakai, K ; Nakazawa, K ; Ozawa, K ; Sato, A ; Sato, H D ; Sim, K S ; Tabaru, T ; Takeuchi, F ; Tlustý, P ; Torii, H A ; Yamamoto, K ; Yokkaichi, S ; Yoshida, M
Publication 2001
Imprint Feb 2001
Number of pages mult.
Other source KEK


 Zapis kreiran 2001-07-24, zadnja izmjena 2016-06-27

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