CERN Accelerating science

Report number KEK-Proceedings-2000-22 ; JAERI-Conf-2001-0002
Conference title 15th Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources
Related conference title(s) ICANS-15
Date(s), location 6 - 9 Nov 2000, Tsukuba, Japan
Editor(s) Itoh, S (ed.) ; Susuki, J (ed.)
Imprint Tsukuba : KEK, 2001
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Free keywords ESS - European Spallation Source ; IPNS - Intense Pulsed Neutron Source ; beam transport ; neutron source ; storage rings

Corresponding record in: SLACCONF
Contributions in Inspire: C00-11-06.4
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Status of spallation neutron source program in high intensity proton accelerator project (p. 19)
by Oyama, Y
The European spallation source (ESS) project (p. 27)
by Clausen, K N
Technical problems on accelerator upgrade path (p. 32)
by Yamazaki, Y
Innovative approach toward new generation sources (p. 42)
by Watanabe, N
Neutron scattering instrumentation - A guide to future directions (p. 61)
by Crawford, R K
Status of neutron complex of INR RAS (p. 71)
by Grachev, M I
Status of the intense pulsed neutron source (IPNS) (p. 84)
by Brown, B S
Status report on the Julich ESS related activities (p. 89)
by Conrad, H
Present status of KENS (p. 93)
by Ikeda, S
Current status of the Austron project (p. 97)
by Rauch, H
SINQ 2000 status report (p. 103)
by Bauer, G S
Asian Oceanian neutron sources (p. 111)
by Fujii, Y
Status of Neutron scattering in Thailand (p. 115)
by Sangariyavanich, A
Current status of neutron scattering research and accelerator technology in indonesia (p. 121)
by Ridwan
Neutron beam research at BARC (India) and international collaboration (p. 131)
by Ramanadham, M
Neutron beam facilities at the Australian replacement research reactor (p. 136)
by Kennedy, S
Neutron scattering facilities at china institute of atomic energy-present and future situations (p. 140)
by Ye, C T
Present status of neutron beam facilities at the research reactor, HANARO, and its future prospect (p. 146)
by Lee, C H
Summary report - accelerator (Linac) (p. 157)
by Yamazaki, Y
Summary of instrumentation for elastic scattering (p. 162)
by Crawford, R K
Summary of spallation UCN source session (p. 164)
by Masuda, Y
Report of the working group session on neutron optics and devices (p. 169)
by Loong, C K
Summary report of the working group session: â€ワcode systems, cross sections and kernels” (p. 171)
by Filges, D
Workshop summary: â€ワS(Q) measurements by chopper machine” (p. 173)
by Otomo, T
Working group session report - Neutron beam line shielding (p. 175)
by Russell, G J
Workshop summary report on target engineering (p. 179)
by Bauer, G S
Linac design for the KEK/JAERI joint project (p. 185)
by Hasegawa, K
JKJ 60 MeV DTL (p. 191)
by Naito, F
Progress in design of the SNS Linac (p. 197)
by Hardekop, R
The SNS superconducting Linac architecture (p. 213)
by Galambos, J
SNS superconducting Linac (p. 220)
by Sundelin, R M
New developments on the e-p instability at the los Alamos proton storage ring (p. 229)
by Macek, R J
Overview of 3 GeV rapid cycle synchrotron for JAERI-KEK joint project (p. 240)
by Yokomizo, H
Technical issues of 3 GeV synchrotron for JAERI-KEK joint project (p. 246)
by Kinsho, M
Synchrotron RF system (p. 252)
by Ohmori, C
Development of long-lived cluster and hybrid Carbon stripper foils for high energy, High intensity ion beams (p. 257)
by Sugai, I
A new laser stripping method by use of multi-photon resonance ionization Enhanced with multi-mirror system (RIMMS) (p. 269)
by Suzuki, Y
Lattice design of 3 GeV synchrotron for JAERI-KEK joint project (p. 274)
by Noda, F
RF acceleration system for 3 GeV proton synchrotron in JAERI-KEK joint project (p. 285)
by Yamamoto, M
Beam monitoring system for intense neutron source (p. 293)
by Tron, A M
Fast-response Beam Loss Monitor (p. 299)
by Kawakubo, T
Beam and target monitor using thermocouples (p. 308)
by Sato, T
A study on 3 GeV proton beam transport line for JSNS (p. 314)
by Meigo, S
Design issues of a chopper control system (p. 327)
by Itoh, S
JKJ accelerator timing system (p. 330)
by Ohmori, C
Timming reference generators and chopper controllers for neutron sources (p. 340)
by Nelson, R
New capabilities in spectroscopy on pulsed sources: adjustable pulse repetition rate, resolution and line shape (p. 349)
by Russina, M
Monte Carlo simulation of crystal monochromators/analysers-applications for time-of-flight backscattering spectroscopy with high resolution (p. 354)
by Zsigmond, G
Quasielastic high-resolution time-of-flight spectrometers employing multi-disk chopper cascades for spallation sources (p. 357)
by Lechner, R E
Doppler-musical instrument (p. 377)
by Sato, T J
Monte Carlo simulations of a high-resolution inverse geometry spectrometer on the SNS-long wavelength target station (p. 383)
by Bordallo, H N
A proposal of neutron spin echo spectrometers at the new pulsed neutron source in japan (p. 390)
by Seto, H
Application of MSS-Neutron spin echo spectrometer to pulsed neutron sources (p. 394)
by Tasaki, S
Monte Carlo simulation of NSE at reactor and spallation sources (p. 400)
by Zsigmond, G
First results from the MAPS spectrometer at ISIS (p. 405)
by Frost, C D
Estimation of pulse shape functions for high resolution chopper spectrometers by means of the simulation calculation program, McStas (p. 418)
by Ohoyama, K
Recent progress in the chopper spectrometer, INC (p. 425)
by Itoh, S
Real time neutron reflectometry using neutron optical imaging (p. 437)
by Smith, G S
A new thermal neutron reflectometer for free surface at KENS-ARISA (p. 443)
by Torikai, N
Status report on reflectometer group in Japanese joint project (p. 450)
by Takeda, M
The extended Q-range small angle diffractometer at SNS - design, Optimization and performance (p. 466)
by Zhao, J
HIPPO, the high-pressure preferred orientation diffractometer at LANSCE for characterization of bulk materials (p. 473)
by Bennett, K
The OSIRIS diffractometer and polarization analysis spectrometer at ISIS: New developments and 3He spin-filter polarization analysis (p. 483)
by Andersen, K H
Design of a neutron diffractometer on biological macromolecules (p. 488)
by Tanaka, I
Single crystal spectrometer FOX at KENS (p. 492)
by Takahashi, M
Structure determination of Perovskites, high temperature superconductors and zeolites on the KSN-2 powder neutron diffractometer (p. 494)
by Vratislav, S
Optimisation of the design of a neutron diffractometer for strain measurement (p. 499)
by Daymond, M R
New developments of TOF neutron diffraction at the IBR-2 Pulsed reactor (p. 504)
by Balagurov, A M
Monte Carlo simulation of the neutron guide system for the SNS engineering diffraactometer (p. 513)
by Wang, X L
Two-dimensional thermometry by using neutron resonance absorption spectrometer DOG (p. 527)
by Kamiyama, T
A high-sensitivity, non-destructive trace element analysis (p. 532)
by Oshima, M
Development of optical devices based on neutron refractive optics (p. 537)
by Oku, T
The neutron silicon lens: an update of the thermal neutron lens results (p. 542)
by Johnson, M W
A new beam line for practical neutron optical devices (p. 547)
by Suzuki, J
Development and application of small d-spacing multilayer mirrors by ion polishing (p. 551)
by Soyama, K
Neutron mirror development for VCN/UCN sources (p. 557)
by Kawabata, Y
A drabkin energy filter for experiments at a spallation neutron source (p. 572)
by Parizzi, A
Analyses of diffuse scattering of neutron from supermirror (p. 592)
by Bin, C
Possible implementation of focusing based on bragg diffraction optics for TOF neutron scattering devices (p. 600)
by Mikula, P
Test experiments of disk chopper with supermirror converging system (p. 605)
by Aizawa, K
The development of a single-crystal fiber-array scintillator area detector (p. 615)
by Loong, C K
Development of detector based on neutron scintillator with wavelength shifting fiber (p. 621)
by Adachi, T
Helium-filled proportional counter ( 4.2 K) and possible application to high-resolution neutron position detector (p. 624)
by Isozumi, Y
A large area neutron imaging method using rectangular scintillators with WLS fibers (p. 627)
by Toh, K
A SrBPO : Eu phosphor for neutron imaging(p. 640)
by Sakasai, K
The development of neutron detectors for the GEM instrument at ISIS (p. 646)
by Rodes, N J
New software for neutron data reduction and visualization (p. 657)
by Worlton, T
Java-based software for chopper-spectrometer data reduction (p. 665)
by Chen, D
New data acquisition system for the Lujan center (p. 671)
by Nelson, R
Towards a responsive and interactive graphical user interface for neutron data reduction and visualization (p. 678)
by Chatterjee, A
A method of precise profile analysis of diffuse scattering for the KENS pulsed neutron (p. 685)
by Todate, Y
On the analysis of deep inelastic neutron scattering experiments (p. 689)
by Blostein, J J
How to optimize pulse shape (p. 701)
by Kiyanagi, Y
Sharp or broad pulse peak for high resolution instruments? (Choice of moderator performance) (p. 713)
by Arai, M
A proposal to use of mercury as a reflector material for decoupled moderator system (p. 722)
by Teshigawara, M
Calculation studies of a multi-layer decoupler system for a decoupled hydrogen moderator (p. 734)
by Ooi, M
A structure analysis on simulated powder diffraction pattern from a proposed moderator in J-SNS (p. 738)
by Oikawa, K
Renewal of KENS TMRA (p. 747)
by Kawai, M
Measurements of neutric characyeristics of the KENS target-moderator-reflector assembly (p. 758)
by Ino, T
Pulse shape measurement of KENS thermal neutron source in the eV region by N-RAS (p. 765)
by Noda, H
Neutronic performance issues for the spallation neutron source moderators (p. 772)
by Iverson, E B
Optimization study of coupled hydrogen moderator with extended premoderator (p. 786)
by Kai, T
Optimization of decoupled hydrogen moderator (p. 793)
by Harada, M
Effects of reflector parameters on neutronic performance of coupled hydrogen moderator with extended premoderator (p. 808)
by Sakata, H
Premoderator and reflector effect on the neutronic performance of a decoupled liquid hydrogen moderator (p. 823)
by Ooi, M
JESSICA, The ESS-like target/reflector mock-up and cold moderator test facility (p. 829)
by Tietze-Jaensch, H
Proton energy dependence of slow neutron intensity (p. 835)
by Teshigawara, M
Neutron scattering cross sections of cryogenic moderator materials: some results from the synthetic model (p. 848)
by Granada, J R
Neutronic studies of a liquid hydrogen-water composite moderator (p. 857)
by Tahara, T
Neutronic performance of decoupled poisoned and unpoisoned composite moderators for high resolution experiments (p. 868)
by Kai, T
Experimental studies on neutronics of CH3D and HD cold neutron moderators (p. 873)
by Sasaki, K
An advanced cold moderator using solid methane pellets (p. 882)
by Foster, C A
Thermal-hydraulic experiments and analyses on cold moderator (p. 893)
by Aso, T
Shielding design study for the JAERI/KEK spallation neutron source (p. 907)
by Maekawa, F
Neutron beam-line shield design for the protein crystallography instrument at the Lujan center (p. 917)
by Russell, G J
A 3-D model of the beam line shield for the HIPPO instrument at the Lujan center and comparisons with 2-D results (p. 933)
by Muhrer, G
Measurement of spectrum for thermal neutrons produced from H2O moderator coupled with mercury target (p. 941)
by Meigo, S
Measurement of induced radioactivity in a spallation neutron field of a mercury target for GeV-proton bombardment (p. 955)
by Kasugai, Y
High energy particle transport code NMTC/JAM (p. 964)
by Niita, K
Spallation reactions and energy deposition in heavy target materials comparison of measurements and MC-Calculations (p. 971)
by Filges, D
Analysis of the AGS experiment on a mercury target with a moderator and a lead reflector bombarded by GeV energy protons (p. 983)
by Maekawa, F
Current status for TRR-II cold neutron source (p. 995)
by Lee, C H
Pulsed fusion neutrons production by enhancing the DT formation using laser irradiation (p. 1007)
by Takahashi, H
Giant pulses of slow neutrons in the LHC Beam dump (p. 1011)
by Stavissky, Yu Ya
On the possibility of direct investigations of neutron-neutron scattering at lhc beam dump (p. 1019)
by Dementiev, A V
First experience with the new solid methane moderator at the IBR-2 reactor (p. 1026)
by Beliakov, A A
Conceptual design studies of a neutron source at the BNL-HFBR facility (p. 1037)
by Ludewig, H
Design validation test stand guide inserts for the spallation neutron source (p. 1052)
by Williams, D M
Status report on the cold neutron source of the Garching neutron research facility FRM-II (p. 1058)
by Gobrecht, K
He-II spallation UCN source (p. 1067)
by Masuda, Y
Solid-state ultra-cold neutron detectors (p. 1075)
by Kitagaki, T
Neutronic calculations of cold neutron intensity in a He chamber for ultra cold neutron production (p. 1086)
by Ooi, M
Optimization of He-II UCN source with spallation neutron source (p. 1094)
by Mishima, K
Mini-D - a source for ultracold neutrons at FRM-II (p. 1103)
by Altarev, I S
Overview of the ESS target and moderator R&D (p. 1137)
by Conrad, H
MEGAPIE, a 1 MW pilot experiment for a liquid metal spallation target (p. 1146)
by Bauer, G S
A conceptual study on a material irradiation experimental facility with a lead-bismuth spallation target for the accelerator-driven system development (p. 1163)
by Sasa, T
Present status of spallation target development - JAERI/KEK joint project (p. 1175)
by Hino, R
Thermal-hydraulic design of cross-flow type mercury target for JAERI/KEK joint project (p. 1188)
by Kaminaga, M
Analitical study on structural integrity of target vessel (p. 1198)
by Kogawa, H
Neutron targets of Moscow meson facility - status, problems, prospects (p. 1208)
by Sidorkin, S
The RADEX facility as a tool for studies of radiation damage under proton and spallation neutron irradiation (p. 1222)
by Koptelov, E A
Thermal-hydraulic analyses on simplified cross-flow mercury target (p. 1242)
by Tagawa, H
JAERI/KEK target material program overview (p. 1251)
by Kikuchi, K
Conceptual design of proton beam window (p. 1259)
by Teraoku, T
Safety concept for spallation target system - JAERI/KEK joint project (p. 1266)
by Kobayashi, K
Conceptual design of the handling and storage system for spent target vessel (p. 1276)
by Adachi, J
Thermal-hydraulic study on cross-flow mercury target (p. 1284)
by Terada, A
Water flow experiment using the PIV technique and the thermal hydraulic analysis on the cross-flow type mercury target model (p. 1293)
by Haga, K
Experimental study on mercury target and proton beam window (p. 1304)
by Kinoshita, H
System dynamic analyses on the JKJ mercury target and cold moderator systems (p. 1314)
by Takahashi, T
Use of zircaloy 4 material for the pressure vessels of hot and cold neutron sources and beam tubes for research reactors (p. 1328)
by Gustmiedl, E
Self-regulating characteristics of cold neutron source with annular cylindrical moderator cell (p. 1352)
by Kawai, T
Specific neutron yield from the extended lead target under incident protons (p. 1365)
by Dementyev, A V
Neutronics for the SNS long wavelength target station (p. 1372)
by Iverson, E B
Analytical study of volumetric scroll pump for the cold moderator system (p. 1383)
by Kritmaitree, P

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 レコード 生成: 2001-06-07, 最終変更: 2021-08-10

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