CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 13th Convegno sulla Fisica al LEP
Related conference title(s) LEPTRE 2001
13th Italian Workshop on LEP Physics
Date(s), location 18 - 20 Apr 2001, Rome, Italy
Editor(s) Baroncelli, A (ed.) (INFN, Rome ; Rome III U. ; CERN ; INFN, Naples) ; Graziani, E (ed.) (INFN, Rome ; Rome III U. ; CERN ; INFN, Naples) ; Melé, Barbara (ed.) (INFN, Rome ; Rome III U. ; CERN ; INFN, Naples) ; Passeri, A (ed.) (INFN, Rome ; Rome III U. ; CERN ; INFN, Naples)
Imprint Bologna : Ital. Phys. Soc., 2002 - 395 p.
ISBN 887483002X
Subject category Particle Physics
Free keywords CDF collaboration ; electroweak physics ; hadronic physics

Corresponding record in: SLACCONF ; Inspire
Contributions in Inspire: C01-04-18.4
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LEPTRE(dici) (p. 3)
by Trentadue, L G
Historical and sociological aspects of the experiments at LEP (p. 17)
by Giacomelli, G
Electroweak physics at LEP : summary and highlights(p. 27)
by Mele, S
The LEP Trail to Non-Perturbative QCD (p. 37)
by Cacciari, M
Searches for new particles at LEP : a summary report(p. 45)
by Antonelli, M.
Final results at the Z and electroweak fit (p. 63)
by Ligabue, F
Fermion pairs at LEP2 and interpretations (p. 71)
by Abbiendi, G
Photon pairs at LEP2 and interpretations (p. 77)
by Checchia, P
Energy scales and non-annihilation 4f processes (p. 83)
by Accomando, E
$Z\gamma^{*}$ and $Z/\gamma^{*}ee$ at LEP2 (p. 87)
by Pieri, L
Measurements of single W production at LEP2 (p. 91)
by Valassi, Andrea
Theoretical status of quartic gauge couplings at LEP2 (p. 95)
by Osmo, M
WW$\gamma$ and Z$\gamma\gamma$ production at LEP2 (p. 99)
by Biglietti, M
Overview of theoretical problems related to LEP2 (p. 103)
by Pittau, R
DPA and CC03 physics (p. 109)
by Chierici, R
Measurement of W-pair cross sections at LEP2 (p. 113)
by Natale, S
Triple gauge couplings at LEP2 : Experimental methods and open issues(p. 119)
by Terranova, F
Measurement of the W boson mass at LEP2 : Methods and results(p. 123)
by Tonazzo, A
Radiative corrections calculation with differential equations (p. 133)
by Caffo, M
Will EW theories be precise enough at LC, CLIC energies? (p. 139)
by Verzegnassi, Claudio
Search for sfermions at LEP2 (p. 149)
by Ranieri, R
Searches for gauginos at LEP2 and constraints on MSSM models (p. 155)
by Azzurri, P
Searches for leptoquarks at LEP200 (p. 163)
by Brigliadori, L
Search for sgoldstinos at LEP and future colliders (p. 175)
by Perazzi, E
Search for the SM Higgs boson with the DELPHI experiment (p. 181)
by Ferro, F
Hints of Higgs Boson Production at LEP (p. 185)
by Kado, Marumi
Search for charged Higgs bosons in L3 (p. 193)
by Garcia-Abia, Pablo
Supersymmetric dark matter in the light of LEP (p. 199)
by Ganis, G
Higgs boson production at Tevatron Run II and LHC (p. 207)
by Grazzini, Massimiliano
A new sum rule to determine $|V_{ub}|/|V_{cb}|$ (p. 217)
by Aglietti, U.
Determination of |$V_{ub}$| at LEP (p. 229)
by Battaglia, Marco
Measurements of |$V_{cb}$| and perspective at B-factories (p. 235)
by Rotondo, M
$B^{0}_{s}$ oscillations (p. 239)
by Sciabà, A
Quark masses and weak matrix elements from the lattice (p. 245)
by Giusti, Leonardo
Measurements of CP violation in oscillations in B meson decays (p. 251)
by Faccini, R
The CKM phases $\alpha$ and $\gamma$ (p. 255)
by Deandrea, Aldo
Lifetimes of beauty hadrons : QCD corrections to spectator effects(p. 263)
by Mescia, F
B Physics at BTeV and LHCB (p. 271)
by Paganoni, M
Charm physics : Status and perspectives(p. 275)
by Pedrini, D
K decays (p. 279)
by Isidori, Gino
Measurement of direct CP-violation in neutral kaon decays into two pions (p. 285)
by Ceccucci, Augusto
First results on kaon physics at KLOE (p. 291)
by Casarsa, M
Progress in perturbative QCD calculations from LEP to Tevatron Run II and LHC (p. 297)
by Grazzini, Massimiliano
Experimental status of measurements of $\alpha_s$ at LEP (p. 311)
by Dissertori, G.
Studies of QCD at LEP2 energies (p. 317)
by Bonacorsi, D
Interconnection phenomena in WW events at LEP2 (p. 323)
by Vitale, L
Physics at Large Rapidities in $\gamma^{*}\gamma^{*} \to$ Hadrons at LEP2 (p. 329)
by Cacciari, M
Resonance formation in two-photon collisions at LEP (p. 335)
by Braccini, S
Higgs physics at the LHC (p. 357)
by Costanzo, D
Measurement of the electroweak parameters at LHC (p. 363)
by Paramatti, R
Linear $e^{+} e^{-}$ collider : research program(p. 369)
by Checchia, P
The CLIC Study : Taking the LEP Legacy to the Multi-TeV Frontier(p. 383)
by Battaglia, Marco

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 Record created 2001-05-31, last modified 2021-07-30

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