CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 5th European Workshop on Diagnostics and Beam Instrumentation
Related conference title(s) DIPAC 2001
Date(s), location 13 - 15 May 2001, Grenoble, France
Conference contact European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Karen Clugnet P.O. Box: 220 F-38043 Grenoble Cedex France
email: [email protected]
fax: 33/476882160
Corporate author(s) Collective
Imprint Grenoble : [s.n.], 2001 - 248 p.
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings

Contributions in Inspire: C01-05-13.1
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Review of diagnostics for next generation linear accelerators (p. 1)
by Ross, M
Instrumentation And Diagnostics Using Schottky Signals (p. 6)
by Nolden, F
Diagnostics and Instrumentation for FEL (p. 11)
by Couprie, M E
Review of Emittance and Stability Monitoring Using Synchrotron Radiation Monitors (p. 16)
by Holldack, K
Results with LHC Beam Instrumentation Prototypes (p. 21)
by Fischer, C
Measurement of Small Transverse Beam Size Using Interferometry (p. 26)
by Mitsuhashi, T
Accelerator Physics Experiments with Beam Loss Monitors at BESSY (p. 31)
by Kuske, P
Breaking New Ground with High Resolution Turn-By-Turn BPMs at the ESRF (p. 36)
by Farvacque, L
Overview of RHIC Beam Instrumentation and First Experience from Operation (p. 41)
by Drees, K A
6-D Electron Beam Characterisation Using Optical Transition Radiation and Coherent Diffraction Radiation (p. 46)
by Castellano, M
Possible Spin-Offs from LHC Physics Experiments for Beam Instrumentation (p. 51)
by Jones, R
Investigations of Longitudinal Charge Distribution in Very Short Electron-Bunches (p. 56)
by Hüning, M
BPM Read-Out Electronics Based on the Broadband AM/PM Normalization Schema (p. 63)
by Wendt, M
First Commissioning Results of the ELETTRA Transverse Multi-Bunch Feedback (p. 66)
by Bulfone, D
Performance of the Digital BPM System for the Swiss Light Source (p. 69)
by Schlott, V
Fibre Optical Radiation Sensing System for TESLA (p. 73)
by Körfer, M
Beam-Profile Instrumentation for a Beam-Halo Measurement : Overall Description, Operation, and Beam Data(p. 76)
by Gilpatrick, J D
The measurement of Q' and Q'' in the CERN-SPS by head-tail phase shift analysis (p. 79)
by Jones, R
Excitation of Large Transverse Beam Oscillations without Emittance Blow-up using the AC-Dipole Principle (p. 82)
by Berrig, O E
Measuring Beta-Functions with K-Modulation (p. 85)
by Berrig, O E
X-Ray Interference Methods of Electron Beam Diagnostics (p. 88)
by Chubar, O
Beam Charge Asymmetry Monitors for Low Intensity Continuous Electron Beam (p. 91)
by Freyberger, A P
New development of a Radiation-Hard Polycrystalline CdTe Detector for LHC Luminosity Monitoring (p. 94)
by Rossa, E
Real-Time Tune Measurements on the CERN Antiproton Decelerator (p. 99)
by Angoletta, Maria Elena
Bench Test of a Residual Gas Ionization Profile Monitor (RGIPM) (p. 102)
by Sellyey, W C
Optical Bunch-By-Bunch Diagnostic System in KEK-PF (p. 105)
by Mochihashi, M
Design of a Magnetic Quadrupole Pick-up for the CERN PS (p. 108)
by Jansson, A
Measurement of the Time-Structure of the 72 MeV Proton Beam in the PSI Injector-2 Cyclotron (p. 111)
by Dölling, R
Laser Profile Measurements of an H- Beam (p. 114)
by Connolly, R
New Schottky-Pickup for COSY-Jülich (p. 117)
by Mohos, I
Current Transformers for GSI's KeV/u to GeV/u Ion Beams : an Overview(p. 120)
by Reeg, H
Transverse Beam Profile Measurements Using Optical Methods (p. 123)
by Peters, A
Control and Data Analysis for Emittance Measuring Devices (p. 126)
by Hoffmann, T
Test of Different Beam Loss Detectors at the GSI Heavy Ion Synchrotron (p. 129)
by Forck, P
Source Imaging with Compound Refractive Lenses (p. 132)
by Chubar, O
A Zone Plate Based Beam Monitor for the Swiss Light Source (p. 133)
by David, C
Microwave Pickups for the Observation of Multi GHz Signals Induced by the ESRF Storage Ring Electron Bunches (p. 136)
by Plouviez, E
A New Wirescanner Control Unit (p. 139)
by Werner, M
Beam Size Measurement of the Spring-8 Storage Ring by Two-Dimensional Interferometer (p. 142)
by Masaki, M
Planned X-Ray Imaging of the Electron Beam at the SPRING-8 Diagnostics Beamline BL38B2 (p. 145)
by Takano, S
Status of the delta synchrotron light-monitoring-system (p. 148)
by Berges, U
Beam Diagnostic for the Next Linear Collider (p. 151)
by Smith, S R
Diagnostics for the Photon Injector Test Facility in Desy Zeuthen (p. 154)
by Bähr, J
Position Monitoring of Accelerator Components as Magnets and Beam Position Monitors (p. 159)
by Schmidt, G
Signal Processor for Spring8 Linac BPM (p. 162)
by Yanagida, K
Accuracy of the LEP Spectrometer Beam Orbit Monitors (p. 165)
by Barbero, E
Stripline Beam Position Monitors For "ELBE" (p. 168)
by Evtushenko, P
Functionality Enhancement of the Multiplexing BPM System in the Storage of SRRC (p. 171)
by Hsu, K T
The Low Gap BPM System at ELETTRA : Commissioning Results(p. 174)
by Ferianis, M
Orbit Control at the Advanced Photon Source (p. 177)
by Decker, G
Advanced Photon Source RF Beam Position Monitor System Upgrade Design and Commissioning (p. 180)
by Lill, R
Design of a Multi-Bunch BPM for the Next Linear Collider (p. 183)
by Young, A
A logarithmic processor for Beam Position Measurements applied to a Transfer Line at CERN (p. 186)
by Schmickler, Hermann
Injection Matching Studies using Turn by Turn Beam Profile Measurements in the CERN PS (p. 189)
by Benedikt, Michael
The SPS Individual Bunch Measurement System (p. 192)
by Guerrero, A
Control Modules for Scintillation Counters in the SPS Experimental Areas (p. 195)
by Baribaud, Guy
LHC Beam Loss Monitors (p. 198)
by Arauzo-Garcia, A
Sensitivity Studies with the SPS Rest Gas Profile Monitor (p. 201)
by Ferioli, G
The Measurement and Optimisation of Lattice Parameters on the ISIS Synchrotron (p. 204)
by Tilley, K
First Beam Tests for the Prototype LHC Orbit and Trajectory System in the CERN-SPS (p. 207)
by Cocq, D
Beam Diagnostics for Low-Intensity Radioactive Beams (p. 210)
by Cosentino, L
The Dynamic Tracking Acquisition System for DAΦNE e+/e--Collider (p. 213)
by Drago, A
A High Dynamic Range Bunch Purity Tool (p. 216)
by Joly, B
DSP and FPGA Based Bunch Current Signal Processing (p. 219)
by Naylor, G A
Orbit Feedbacks for Synchrotron Light Sources (p. 225)
by Dehler, M
Emittance Measurement Techniques (p. 226)
by Chubar, O
Industrial Products for Beam Instrumentation (p. 227)
by Schmickler, Hermann
Calibration and Stability of Diagnostics Equipment (p. 228)
by Schlott, V
Digital Signal Treatment in Beam Instrumentation (p. 230)
by Schilcher, T
Beam Loss Monitors (p. 231)
by Wittenburg, K

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 Record created 2001-05-04, last modified 2021-07-30