CERN Accelerating science

Scientific Committee Paper
Report number CERN-SPSLC-92-054 ; SPSLC-P-112-Add-2
Title Continuation of experiment PS 203 at LEAR "Antiproton induced fission and fragmentation of nuclei" : proposal
Author(s) Daniel, H ; Von Egidy, T ; Hartmann, F J ; Hoffmann, J ; Schmid, W ; Hilscher, D ; Bohne, W ; Jahnke, U ; Mongenstern, H ; Rossner, H ; Polster, D ; Jastrzebski, J J ; Kurcewicz, W ; Wycech, S ; Grabowska, A ; Lubinski, P ; Stolarz, A ; Machner, H ; Riepe, G ; Plendl, H S ; David, P ; Iljinov, A S ; Botvina, A S ; Mebel, M V ; Galin, J ; Morjean, M
Affiliation (Russian Akad. Sci. Moscow) ; (Munchen Univ) ; (Hahn-Meither-Inst. Berlin) ; (Warsaw Univ) ; (Forschungszentrum Julich) ; (Florida State Univ.) ; (Bonn Univ.) ; (GANIL)
Corporate author(s) CERN. Geneva. SPS-LEAR Experiments Committee
Submitted by 7 Sep 1992
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Copyright/License © CERN (License: CC-BY-4.0)

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