| We study the Z boson pair production at LHC in the Randall-Sundrum scenario with the Goldberger-Wise stabilization mechanism. It is shown that comprehensive account of the Kaluza-Klein graviton and radion effects is crucial to probe the model: The KK graviton effects enhance the cross section of $g g \to Z Z$ on the whole so that the resonance peak of the radion becomes easy to detect, whereas the RS effects on the $q\bar{q} \to Z Z$ process are rather insignificant. The $p_T$ and invariant-mass distributions are presented to study the dependence of the RS model parameters. The production of longitudinally polarized Z bosons, to which the SM contributions are suppressed, is mainly due to KK gravitons and the radion, providing one of the^M most robust methods to signal the RS effects. The $3 \sigma$ sensitivity bounds on $(\Lambda_\pi, m_\phi)$ with $k/M_{\rm Pl} =0.1$ are also obtained such that the effective weak scale $\Lambda_\pi$ of about 10 TeV can be experimentally probed. |