Contributions in Inspire:
Contributions to this conference in CDS
Results on correlations and fluctuations from NA49 (p. 55) |
by Blume, C. |
Recent results on spectra and yields from NA49 (p. 161) |
by van Leeuwen, M. |
Latest results from CERES/NA45 (p. 262) |
by Wessels, Johannes P. |
Particle density fluctuations (p. 339) |
by Aggarwal, M.M. |
Energy Dependence of $\Lambda$ and $\bar{\Lambda}$ Production at CERN-SPS Energies (p. 453) |
by Mischke, A. |
Baryon and antibaryon production in hadron-hadron and hadron-nucleus interactions (p. 502) |
by Kreps, M. |
Statistical hadronization of charm at SPS, RHIC and LHC (p. 529) |
by Andronic, A |
Directed and elliptic flow in Pb + Pb collisions at 40-A-GeV and 158-A-GeV (p. 583) |
by Wetzler, Alexander |
Flow and non-flow event anisotropies at the SPS (p. 615) |
by Slivova, J. |
Taming the BFKL Intercept via Gluon Saturation (p. 871) |
by Kovner, Alexander |
Elementary Hadronic Interactions at the CERN SPS (118c-28c) |
by Fischer, H.G. |
Hyperon yields in Pb-Pb collisions from NA57 experiment (140c-50c) |
by Manzari, V |
Results on leptonic probes from NA50 (243c-51c) |
by Alessandro, B |
Strangeness : a summary(369c-78c) |
by Röhrich, D |
Physics of LHC (theory) (432c-40c) |
by Kajantie, Keijo |
Experiments at the LHC (441c-50c) |
by Giubellino, P |
System size dependence of strangeness production at 158 AGeV (474c-7c) |
by Hohne, C. |
Results on 40 A GeV/c Pb-Pb collisions from the NA57 experiment (514c-7c) |
by Elia, D |
Photon flow in 158 A GeV Pb+Pb collisions (579c-82c) |
by Nikolaev, S |
Measuring the jet azimuthal anisotropy without reconstruction of the reaction plane (633c-6c) |
by Lokhtin, Igor P |
The universal freeze-out criterion at SPS and RHIC (645c-648c) |
by Tomasik, Boris |
Transverse momentum distribution of J/$\psi$ produced in Pb-Pb and p-A interactions at the CERN SPS (675c-8c) |
by Topilskaya, N S |
Charmonia absorption in p-A collisions at the CERN SPS : results and implications for Pb-Pb interactions (679c-82c) |
by Alessandro, B |
High $p_{T} \pi^ {0}$ production and angular correlations in 158 AGeV p+A and Pb+Pb collisions (729c-32c) |
by Bathe, Stefan |
Determining the BDMPS transport coefficient via medium-modified fragmentation functions (783c-6c) |
by Salgado, Carlos A. |
Prompt photon and inclusive $\pi^{0}$ production at RHIC and LHC (795c-8c) |
by Jeon, S |
The ALICE Dimuon Spectrometer (839c-42c) |
by Baldisseri, Alberto |
The Time Projection Chamber for the ALICE experiment (843c-8c) |
by Musa, L |
The ALICE silicon pixel detector (849c-52c) |
by Chochula, P |
Show contributions in CDS
Record created 2001-03-20, last modified 2021-07-30