Hovedsiden > The new Brookhaven $(g-2)_{\mu}$ experiment |
Article | |
Title | The new Brookhaven $(g-2)_{\mu}$ experiment |
Author(s) | Hertzog, D W ; Brown, H N ; Bunce, G M ; Carey, R M ; Cushman, P B ; Danby, G T ; Debevec, P T ; Deng, H ; Deninger, W J ; Dhawan, S K ; Druzhinin, V P ; Duong, L ; Earle, W ; Efstathiadis, E F ; Farley, Francis J M ; Fedotovich, G V ; Giron, S ; Gray, F ; Grosse-Perdekamp, M ; Grossmann, A ; Haeberlen, U ; Hare, M ; Hazen, E S ; Hughes, V W ; Iwassaki, M ; Jungmann, Klaus ; Kawall, D ; Kawamura, M ; Khazin, B I ; Kindem, J ; Krienen, F ; Kronkvist, I J ; Larsen, R ; Lee, Y Y ; Liu, W ; Logashenko, I B ; McNabb, R ; Meng, W ; Mi, J L ; Miller, J P ; Morse, W M ; Onderwater, Gerco ; Orlov, Yu F ; Pai, C ; Polly, C ; Pretz, J ; Prigl, R ; zu Putlitz, Gisbert ; Redin, S I ; Rind, O ; Roberts, B L ; Ryskulov, N M ; Sanders, R ; Sedykh, S N ; Semertzidis, Y K ; Serednyakov, S I ; Shatunov, Yu M ; Solodov, E P ; Sossong, M ; Steinmetz, A ; Sulak, Lawrence R ; Timmermans, C ; Trofimov, A V ; Urner, D ; Warburton, D ; Winn, D ; Xu, Q ; Yamamoto, A ; Zimmerman, D |
Affiliation | (Dept of Phys, Boston Univ) |
Publication | 1999 |
In: | 6th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology, Boston, MA, USA, 22 - 27 Mar 1998, pp.186-97 |
Subject category | Particle Physics - Experiment |
Abstract | A new assault on the muon's anomalous magnetic moment has begun with a vigorous effort by the Brookhaven E821 collaboration. The present group has refined the design used in a series of successful CERN experiments in order to lower the systematic uncertainties. Consequently it will be possible to take advantage of the greatly increased muon flux provided for at the AGS. Several novel techniques are employed, of which the most significant is a direct muon injection scheme. Upon reaching the goal of the experiment, comparison with theory will offer sensitive teats of both the electroweak corrections and physics beyond the standard model. At the time of this symposium, data from the first engineering run has been analyzed, yielding a result whose precision and value are comparable to those generated by the last CERN effort. (23 refs). |