CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 9th International Conference on Supersymmetry and Unification of Fundamental Interactions
Related conference title(s) SUSY '01
Date(s), location 11 - 17 Jun 2001, Dubna, Russian Federation
Conference contact email:
Editor(s) Kazakov, Dimitri I (ed.) ; Gladyshev, A V (ed.)
Imprint Singapore : World Scientific, 2002 - 451 p.
ISBN 9789810248055
DOI e-proceedings: 10.1142/4859
Subject category General Theoretical Physics
Free keywords string theory ; branes ; grand unified theories ; supersymmetry

Corresponding record in: SLACCONF
Contributions in Inspire: C01-06-11
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

Contributions to this conference in CDS

Search for MSSM topologies at LEP and lower limit on LSP mass (p. 12)
by Colaleo, A
Searches for sleptons at LEP (p. 20)
by Washbrook, A J
Search for charginos and neutralinos at LEP (p. 28)
by Tellili, B
Chargino and neutralino searches at LEP (p. 36)
by Hensel, C
Higgs Searches at LEP (p. 61)
by Andringa, S
Searches for the Higgs bosons predicted by the extensions of the standard model with two Higgs-field doublets using LEP data (p. 69)
by Locci, E
Higgs searches at ATLAS (p. 79)
by Lafaye, R
R-parity violation searches at LEP (p. 87)
by Barbier, R
Observation of an Excess in the ALEPH Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson (p. 107)
by Badaud, F
Searches for charged Higgs bosons (p. 110)
by Ellert, M
SUSY phenomenology at the EW and the GUT scales (p. 115)
by Altarelli, Guido
Supersymmetric interpretations of the neutrino anomalies (p. 125)
by Valle, José W F
Revealing SUSY at colliders (p. 152)
by Baer, Howard W
Large Phases and CP Violation in SUSY (p. 160)
by Ibrahim, Tarek
LHC(CMS) SUSY discovery potential for the case of nonuniversal gaugino masses (p. 245)
by Bityukov, S I
Low Energy Supersymmetry in Warped Brane Worlds (p. 327)
by Lalak, Zygmunt

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