CERN Accelerating science

Title Measurements of hyperon semileptonic decays at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron
Author(s) Bourquin, Maurice ; Brown, R M ; Chatelus, Y ; Chollet, J C ; Degré, A ; Froidevaux, Daniel ; Fyfe, A R ; Gaillard, Jean-Marc ; Gee, C N P ; Gibson, W M ; Gray, R J ; Igo-Kemenes, P ; Jeffreys, P W ; Merkel, B ; Morand, R ; Ott, R J ; Plothow-Besch, Hartmute ; Repellin, J P ; Saunders, B J ; Sauvage, G ; Schiby, B ; Siebert, Hans-Wolfgang ; Smith, V J ; Streit, K P ; Strub, R ; Thresher, J J
Affiliation (Univ of Geneva) ; (CERN)
Publication 1982
In: Z. Phys. C 12, 4 (1982) pp.307-21
Z. Phys. C 21, 1-2 (1983) pp.1-15
Z. Phys. C 21, 1-2 (1983) pp.17-26
Z. Phys. C 21, 1-2 (1983) pp.27-36
DOI 10.1007/BF01648773

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