CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 5th International Linear Collider Workshop
Related conference title(s) LCWS 2000
Date(s), location 24 - 28 Oct 2000, Batavia, IL, USA
Conference contact Cynthia M. Sazama: Fermilab: P.O. Box 500: Batavia, IL 60510-0500
email: [email protected] or [email protected]
fax: 1-630-840-8589
Corporate author(s) Collective
Imprint New York, NY : AIP, 2000
Series (AIP conference proceedings ; 578)
Subject category Particle Physics

Corresponding record in: SLACCONF
Contributions in Inspire: C00-10-24
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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სრული ტექსტის ჩამოტვირთვაConference home page
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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Charge to participants (p. 3)
by Komamiya, Sachio
A multi-TeV compact $e^{+} e^{-}$ linear collider (p. 77)
by Wilson, Ian H
Precision Studies of the Higgs Boson Profile at the $e^{+}e^{-}$ Linear Collider (p. 163)
by Battaglia, Marco
Precision studies of the Higgs boson profile at the e[sup +]e[sup -] linear collider (p. 163)
by Battaglia, Marco
Latest results on standard model Higgs boson at LEP (p. 214)
by Shan, Jin
Measuring the Higgs mass at TESLA (p. 218)
by García-Abia, P
Comparison of Higgs Boson Mass and Width Determination of the LHC and a Linear Collider (p. 226)
by Drollinger, Volker
Study of e+e- -> H+H- at a 800 GeV Linear Collider (p. 237)
by Kiiskinen, A.
Study of e[sup +]e[sup -] --> H[sup +]H[sup -] at a 800 GeV linear collider (p. 237)
by Kiiskinen, A P
Single production of charged Higgs bosons at linear colliders (p. 241)
by Kanemura, Shinya
Single production of charged Higgs bosons at linear colliders (p. 241)
by Kanemurat, S
Higgs Production and Decay in the MSSM : Status and Perspectives(p. 275)
by Heinemeyer, S.
Determination of the Higgs profile: HFITTER (p. 312)
by Desch, Klaus
QCD Loop Corrections to Top Production and Decay (p. 352)
by Macesanu, C
QCD in two photon physics at future linear colliders (p. 377)
by de Roeck, A
BFKL gamma [sup *] gamma [sup *] cross-sections at LC and CLIC (p. 389)
by Royon, C
Radiative Corrections to Chargino Production with Polarized Beams (p. 439)
by Diaz, Marco A.
Completing the sparticle spectrum at a multi-TeV linear collider? AU Wilson-G-W (p. 485)
by Wilson, G W
Electroweak Precision Tests with GigaZ (p. 511)
by Heinemeyer, S.
W-Pair Production with YFSWW/KoralW (p. 527)
by Placzek, W.
Strong electroweak symmetry breaking signals in WW scattering at TESLA (p. 544)
by Chierici, R
WW scattering at CLIC (p. 550)
by de Roeck, A
Studies of s-channel resonances at the CLIC multi-TeV e[sup +]e[sup -] collider (p. 607)
by Battaglia, Marco
Studies of s-channel Resonances at the CLIC Multi-TeV $e^{+}e^{-}$ Collider (p. 607)
by Battaglia, Marco
Investigation of W' bosons at high energy $e^{+} e^{-}$ colliders (p. 615)
by Doncheski, M A
Investigation of W[sup [prime]] bosons at high energy e[sup +]e[sup -] colliders (p. 615)
by Doncheski, M A
Laser source for the gamma-gamma collider (p. 713)
by Early, J T
Machine-Detector Interface at CLIC (p. 718)
by Schulte, Daniel
Characterization of hybrid pixel detectors with capacitive charge division (p. 773)
by Caccia, M
Characterization of hybrid pixel detectors with capacitive charge division (p. 773)
by Caccia, M.
Flavor tagging studies for a high performance vertex detector (p. 799)
by Hansen, S M Xella
Jet flavor identification at the CLIC multi-TeV e[sup +]e[sup -] Collider (p. 813)
by Battaglia, Marco
Jet Flavour Identification at the CLIC Multi-TeV $e^{+}e^{-}$ Collider (p. 813)
by Battaglia, Marco
Central tracking detector concepts for the CLIC $e^{+} e^{-}$ collider (p. 845)
by Frey, Ariane
Particle ID with dE/dx at the TESLA-TPC (p. 878)
by Hauschild, M
Neutral B meson flavor tagging (p. 882)
by Wilson, R J
Alignment of the ATLAS Inner Detector
by Marti-Garcia, Salvador
TESLA Linear Collider : Status report
by Napoly, O
TESLA interaction region layout, collimation and extraction
by Napoly, O

Show contributions in CDS

 ჩანაწერი შექმნილია 2000-07-17, ბოლოს შესწორებულია 2021-07-30

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