Bringing the third world home
Chomsky, N 1994-05-26
1994 © CERN - 1994 © CERN
Video - : Prof.CHOMSKY is a Renowned Linguist and Political Analyst. His books include(Manufacturing Consent) about the media, (The Fateful Triangle) about the Middle East) and most recently (The Prosperopus Few and the Restless Many).(Arguable the most important intellectual alive....) New York Times.
Video - a : A series of talks by Noam Chomsky, which outline the third world model
Date: 1994
Type: Conference Speech - Portraits of science -
Language: eng
With a: Noam Chomsky - b: Noam Chomsky - c: Noam Chomsky
VHS not held by the CERN library
The video was digitized from its original recording as part of the CERN Digital Memory project
Note from curator: Une série d'exposés de Noam Chomsky, qui décrit le modèle du tiers monde
Une série d'exposés de Noam Chomsky, qui décrit le modèle du tiers monde
Une série d'exposés de Noam Chomsky, qui décrit le modèle du tiers monde
Physical medium: Source A is Betacam ; Source B is Betacam ; Source C is Betacam
Physical location: Tape A from
building 60 was packed in
box CM-A00000312Tape B from
building 60 was packed in
box CM-A00000312Tape C from
building 60 was packed in
box CM-A00000312
Observations during digitization:
Tape : Audio present but not on all channels - High frequency interference pattern - Incomplete program - Low RF, noisy picture - Video tracking issue -
Tape : Audio present but not on all channels - High frequency interference pattern - Low RF, noisy picture - Video tracking issue -
Tape : Audio present but not on all channels - Low RF, noisy picture -