Video - : Discussion leader : Antonio RUBERTI. - Following of the final discussion of this conference.
Video - 6 : 4 intervenant parle de la relation des médias avec la science Video - 7 : Un intervenant donné son avis par rapport au rôle des médias avec la science
Date: 1993 Type: Conference Speech - Media -
Language: eng, fre With 6: D.FILKIN C. PATERMANN
Available video(s): CERN-VIDEO-C-161-F ; CERN-VIDEO-C-161-G
- Video-423148-6 view:
VHS not held by the CERN library The video was digitized from its original recording as part of the CERN Digital Memory project Physical medium: Source F is U-Matic ; Source G is U-Matic Physical location: Tape F from building 60 was packed in box CM-A00000310 Tape G from building 60 was packed in box CM-A00000310 Observations during digitization: Tape 6: Low RF, noisy picture - Tape 7: Low RF, noisy picture -