CERN Accelerating science

Title Measurement of dose rate dependence of radiation induced damage to the current gain in bipolar transistors
Author(s) Dorfan, D ; Dubbs, T ; Grillo, A A ; Rowe, W ; Sadrozinski, H F W ; Seiden, A ; Spencer, E ; Stromberg, S ; Wichmann, R ; Ipe, N E ; Mao, S
Affiliation (SCIPP)
Publication 1999
In: IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 46 (1999) pp.1884-1890
In: 45th IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Toronto, Canada, 8 - 14 Nov 1998, pp.327-331
Abstract We report the study of radiation induced change in the current gain of bipolar transistors for three different gamma dose rates. The dose rates differed by a factor of 60 with the lowest close to that anticipated for the LHC, and $9 the highest at a rate we have been routinely using for radiation damage tests. The maximum dose attained was 200 kRad, which is high enough to compare with other measurements. The importance of annealing to high dose rate data is $9 demonstrated.
