CERN Accelerating science

Conference title 9th International Conference on Radiation Shielding
Related conference title(s) ICRS-9
Date(s), location 17 - 22 Oct 1999, Tsukuba, Japan
Corporate author(s) Collective
Imprint 2000
Note Not held by the CERN library
In: J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. suppl. 1 (2000)
Subject category Health Physics and Radiation Effects
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

Radiation Shielding for Fission Reactors (p. 1)
by Oka, Y
Radiation Shielding for Fusion Reactors (p. 11)
by Santoro, R T
The Shielding of High-Energy Accelerators (p. 19)
by Stevenson, Graham Roger
Overview of Radiation Shielding Research (p. 27)
by Nakamura, T
Radiation Shielding and Protection of the European Spallation Neutron Source (ESS) (p. 30)
by Filges, D
The SNS Target Station Preliminary Title I Shielding Analyses (p. 35)
by Johnson, J O
JAERI-KEK Joint Project on High Intensity Proton Accelerators (p. 40)
by Nagamiya, S
Radiation Shielding Activities at the OECD/Nuclear Energy Agency (p. 49)
by Sartori, E
NEA Organized Validation of Multi-Dimensional Transport Codes and Cross-Section Sets Used Presently in Reactor Shielding (p. 53)
by Hehn, G
The UK Shielding Forum - Best Practice through Consensus (p. 58)
by Hobson, J
Shielding Experimental Benchmark Storage, Retrieval, and Display System (p. 61)
by Hunter, H T
Review of Contributions to the International Co-operation on Nuclear Data for Radiation Shielding (p. 68)
by Menapace, E
An Investigation of the Effects of Water Content on the Shielding Performance of the Primary Upper Shield in the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor(HTTR) (p. 73)
by Sumita, J
Shielding Design for Steam Generator of Advanced Marine Reactor MRX (p. 78)
by Odano, N
Measurement of Shielding Characteristics in the Prototype FBR Monju (p. 83)
by Usami, S
Evaluation of the Shielding Design around the Reactor Core in the Prototype FBR Monju (p. 89)
by Shiraki, T
Evaluation of the Shielding Design of the Primary Cooling System in the Prototype FBR Monju (p. 94)
by Takeuchi, J
Evaluation of the Shielding Design of the Fuel Handling and Storage System in the Prototype FBR Monju (p. 99)
by Mikami, H
Evaluation of Neutron Streaming and Future Shielding Measurement Plan in the Prototype FBR Monju (p. 104)
by Sasaki, K
Shielding Design Study of the Demonstration Fast Breeder Reactor (1) - Evaluation of the JASPER Experiment and Its Analytical Results (p. 110)
by Handa, H
Shielding Design Study of the Demonstration Fast Breeder Reactor (2) - Shielding Design on the Basis of the JASPER Analysis (p. 115)
by Suzuoki, Z
A Fast Neutron Fluence Reduction Strategy for Pressure Vessel Lifetime Extension (p. 120)
by Kim, J K
Evaluation of Vessel Fluence for SMART by DORT and MCNP Codes (p. 125)
by Kim, K Y
A Preliminary Shielding Design of 150 MWe Liquid Metal Reactor (p. 130)
by Yoo, J W
Measurements of Thick Target Neutron Yields from 100 to 800 MeV /Nucleon Heavy Ions (p. 135)
by Kurosawa, T
Development of Heavy Ion Transport Monte Carlo Code (p. 142)
by Iwase, H
Shielding Design of RIKEN RI Beam Factory (p. 146)
by Uwamino, Y
Shielding and Handling of Targets for a High Intensity Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (p. 150)
by Moritz, L E
Shielding Calculations for the Proposed NISOL Facility at the ORNL Spallation Neutron Source (p. 154)
by Gallmeier, F X
Measurements of Neutron Attenuation through Iron and Concrete at ISIS (p. 158)
by Nunomiya, T
Deep Penetration Calculation Comparing with the Shielding Experiment at ISIS (p. 162)
by Nakao, N
MARS Code Developments, Benchmarking and Applications (p. 167)
by Mokhov, N V
Neutron Radiation at Muon Colliders and Storage Rings (p. 172)
by Mokhov, N V
Using the Moyer Model at Energies less than 1 GeV (p. 180)
by Moritz, L E
Depth Profiles of Radionuclides Induced in Shielding Concrete of the 12 GeV Proton Accelerator Facility at KEK (p. 183)
by Miura, T
Analysis of Iron and Concrete Shielding Experiments for 43 and 68 MeV p-^7Li Neutrons with LA150 (p. 187)
by Konno, C
Analyses of Neutron and Gamma Ray Measurements in a Target Room of Several Tens MeV Proton Facility (p. 192)
by Nakashima, H
Experimental Analyses on Radiation Streaming through a Labyrinth in a Proton Accelerator Facility of Several Tens MeV (p. 197)
by Nakashima, H
Experimental Setup for Measurements of High Energy Photo-Neutron Spectra from Thick Targets (p. 202)
by Sato, T
Photoneutron Spectra from Thin Targets Bombarded with 2 (p. 207)
by Lee, H S
90^o Bremsstrahlung Source Term Produced in Thick Targets by 50 MeV to 10 GeV Electrons (p. 212)
by Mao, X S
Shielding Design Calculations for Laser Electron Photon Beamline of SPring-8 (p. 217)
by Asano, Y
Absorbed Dose from 7-GeV Bremsstrahlung in a PMMA Phantom (p. 222)
by Job, P K
A Study of Neutron Field Outside the Shielding Wall at SRRC (p. 226)
by Sheu, R J
Shielding Analysis of Nuclear Data Measurement Facility Using EGS4 and MCNP4 Codes (p. 231)
by Shin, C H
Radiation Shielding for ITER to Allow for Hands-on Maintenance Inside the Cryostat (p. 235)
by Iida, H
Measurement and Analysis of Neutron and Photon Flux Spectra in an ITER Shield Mockup with Open Channel and Cavity (p. 243)
by Unholzer, S
Dose Rate Analyses around the Equatorial and Divertor Ports during ITER in-Vessel Components Maintenance (p. 248)
by Mori, S
Estimation of Helium Production due to Neutron Streaming and Establishment of Shielding Design Conditions in Fusion Shielding Blanket by 3-D Mone Carlo Calculation (p. 253)
by Sato, S
Monte Carlo Analyses for ITER NBI Duct by 1/4 Tokamak Model (p. 258)
by Sato, S
Investigation on Prediction Capability of Nuclear Design Parameters for Gap Configuration in ITER through Analysis of the FNS Gap Streaming Experiment (p. 263)
by Maekawa, F
Neutron Streaming Evaluation for the DREAM Fusion Power Reactor (p. 268)
by Seki, Y
Neutronic Analysis of the KSTAR Tokamak Using Beowulf Cluster (p. 276)
by Park, J H
Shielding and Activation Calculations for the German Fusion Device WENDELSTEIN 7-X (p. 280)
by Quade, U
Radiation Shielding Analyses for JT-60SU (p. 284)
by Suzuki, Y
Evaluation of Nuclear Heat and Dose Rate for JT-60SU (p. 291)
by Mäki, K
Peculiarities of Forming the Neutron Field behind a Lengthy Shielding with Slits (p. 296)
by Tikhomirov, G V
Hot-Cell Shielding System for High Power Transmission in DUPIC Fuel Fabrication (p. 300)
by Kim, K
Shadow Shield Design Analysis for Repository Emplacement Drifts (p. 305)
by Su, S
Evaluation of Long-Term Irradiation Field in Geological Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Wastes (p. 310)
by Sawamura, H
Dose Analysis on High Performance Vault Storage System of Spent Nuclear Fuel (p. 316)
by Shibata, K
Evaluation of the Effect of Source Geometry Models on Dose Rates of Waste Packages (p. 320)
by Radulescu, G
Measurement of Dose-Equivalent Rates around a Cask and Monte Carlo Analysis with Actual Configuration of Fuel Basket (p. 324)
by Ueki, K
Shielding Benchmarks Analysis for Transport/Storage Casks (p. 329)
by Kitsos, S
Model and Method for Reasonable Shielding Calculation of Spent Fuel Casks (p. 334)
by Taniuchi, H
Shielding Designs and Tests of a New Exclusive Ship for Transporting Spent Nuclear Fuels (p. 337)
by Ono, M
Radiation Measurements and Shielding Calculations for Spent Fuel Casks (p. 342)
by Momma, Y
Shielding and Criticality Characterization of ALR8(SI) Plutonium Storage Containers (p. 347)
by Terekhin, Y V
Induced Activity Calculations in View of the Large Electron Positron Collider Decommissioning (p. 352)
by Fassò, A
Measurement of Residual Radioactivity of Machine Elements and Concrete on the Cyclotron Decommissioning (p. 357)
by Shiomi, T
Studies on Limestone Concrete as a Low-Activation Structural Material for Nuclear Power Plants (p. 362)
by Uematsu, M
Evaluation of Methodology on Radioactive Inventory Estimation in the Japan Power Demonstration Reactor Decommissioning Program (p. 367)
by Sukegawa, T
Shielding Analysis and Evaluation of JRR-2 Decommissioning (p. 372)
by Iwashita, M
Optimization of the BN (p. 379)
by Marek, M
Feasibility of a Neutron Beam for BN (p. 384)
by Cerullo, N
Feasibility of a Small Accelerator Driven Subcritical Reactor for BNCT Applications (p. 389)
by Montagnini, B
Mathematical Efficiency Calibration of in Vivo Measurement Systems (p. 394)
by Lee, T Y
A Simulation Study on the Dose Distribution for a Single Beam of the Gamma Knife (p. 397)
by Chen, C C
The Dose Distribution Inside the Irradiation Chamber of the Gamma Cell 220 at KACST Using MCNP4B (p. 402)
by Hefne, J
Application of Acceleration Techniques in MCBEND (p. 406)
by Shuttleworth, T
Adjoint Detector Calculations Using the Monte Carlo Code MCBEND (p. 412)
by Tee, M P
Uncertainty Analysis of Benchmark Experiments Using MCBEND (p. 416)
by Chucas, S
Treatment of Cross Section Uncertainties in the Transport Monte-Carlo Code TRIPOLI4 (p. 420)
by Both, J P
Neutronic Design of Pulse Operation Simulating Device for In-pile Functional Test of Fusion Blanket by MCNP (p. 423)
by Nagao, Y
Implementation of Surface Detector Option in Scale SAS4 Shielding Module (p. 427)
by Broadhead, B L
Biasing Techniques for Gamma Rays going around Efficient Shields (p. 432)
by Ghassoun, J
Study on Calculation of Detector Flux with Monte Carlo Methods (p. 436)
by Wang, R
Application of the Monte Carlo Method to Shielding Analysis in Medical Linear Accelerators (p. 441)
by Rodenas, J
Overview of Recent Research Activities of Monte Carlo Simulation in Japan (p. 446)
by Sakurai, K
Application of the Decoupling Scheme on Complex Neutron-Gamma Shielding Problems (p. 449)
by Fehér, S
Development of Angular Eigenvalue Method for Deep Penetration Problems of Gamma Rays (p. 454)
by Shimizu, A
New Transport Equation taking Account of the Momentum Conservation Law (p. 459)
by Taji, Y
Validation of the 3D Finite Element Transport Theory Code EVE (p. 466)
by Warner, P
GRTUNCL-3D : An Extension of the GRTUNCL Code to Compute R- theta -Z First Collision Source Moments(p. 471)
by Masukawa, F
FNSUNCL3 : First Collision Source Code for TORT(p. 475)
by Kosako, K
Activities Concerning a Re-Evaluation of Gamma-Ray Buildup Factors in Japan (p. 479)
by Hirayama, H
Gamma-Ray Buildup Factors for a Point Isotropic Source in the Single Layer Shield by Using BERMUDA Code (p. 484)
by Sakamoto, Y
An Improved Approximation Formula of Gamma-Ray Buildup Factors for a Point Isotropic Source in Two-Layer Shields (p. 488)
by Harima, Y
General Formalism for Calculating Gamma-Ray Buildup Factors in Mulirayer Shields info MERCURE-6 Code (p. 493)
by Assad, A
Calculation of Gamma Ray Buildup Factors for a Very Thick Slab with Angular Eigenvalue Method (p. 498)
by Kadotani, H
A Comparison of Gamma-Ray Buildup Factors for Water, Iron, and Lead Using Discrete Ordinates, Moments, and Monte Carlo Methods (p. 502)
by Assad, A
Calculation of Double Energy Angle Differential Neutron Albedos for Radiation Shielding Applications (p. 507)
by Litaize, O
On a New Point Kernel for Use in Gamma Radiation Calculations (p. 512)
by Bindel, L
Streaming Calculations using the Point-Kernel Code RANKERN (p. 515)
by Chucas, S
PERCEVAL v4 (p. 520)
by Bindel, L
Neutron Streaming Experiment for Radiation Shielding Hatch by ^2^5^2Cf Source (p. 522)
by Okuno, K
Attenuation of Neutrons and Total Gamma Rays in Two Layer Shields (p. 526)
by El-Bakkoush, F A
Systematic Comparisons of Measurements and EGS4 Regarding 20-40 keV Photons (p. 530)
by Namito, Y
Benchmark Experiment for Radiation Shielding around the Beam Dump of the SPring-8 Injector (p. 535)
by Asano, Y
Experimental Investigation on Streaming due to a Gap between Blanket Modules in ITER (p. 540)
by Konno, C
Measurements of the Neutron Spectrum in the 14 MeV Neutron Driven Vanadium-Alloy Assembly by the Multifoil Activation Method (p. 545)
by Uno, Y
Photon and Electron Shielding for Neptunium-237 (p. 550)
by Brown, T H
Decision-making Methodology of Optimal Shielding Materials by Using Fuzzy Linear Programming (p. 556)
by Kanai, Y
DOG - IV Revised Input Generator Program for DORT-TORT Code (p. 561)
by Saitou, M
Development of Nuclear Reaction Data Retrieval System on Meme Media (p. 566)
by Ohbayasi, Y
Derivation and Implementation of the Three-Region Problem in the SOURCES Code System (p. 570)
by Charlton, W S
ORIGEN-ARP, a Fast and Easy-to-Use Source Term Generation Tool (p. 575)
by Bowman, S M
Neutron/Gamma Ray Source Measurement and Analyses of High Burnup UO~2 /MOX Fuel Rods (p. 580)
by Matsumura, T
Evaluation of Buildup of Activated Corrosion Products for Highly Compact Marine Reactor DRX without Primary Coolant Water Purification System (p. 584)
by Odano, N
Calculation of the Isotope Concentrations, Source Terms and Radiation Shielding of the SAFARI-1 Irradiation Products (p. 589)
by Stoker, C C
Neutron Intensity Measurements of BWR Spent Fuels (p. 594)
by Tayama, R
Spatial and Energy Distributions of Skyshine Neutron and Gamma Radiation from Nuclear Reactors on the Ground-Air Boundary (p. 598)
by Orlov, Yu F
Using MCNP Code for Neutron and Photon Skyshine Analysis (p. 603)
by Zharkov, V P
Skyshine Analysis Using Various Nuclear Data Files (p. 606)
by Zharkov, V P
Comparison of Radiation Measurements and Calculations of Reactor Surroundings for Skyshine Analysis (p. 610)
by Tsubosaka, A
Improvement of Air Transport Data and Wall Transmission/Reflection Data in the SKYSHINE Code (1) - Calculation of line Beam Reponse Functions for Gamma-Ray Skyshine Analysis (p. 616)
by Nemoto, M
Improvement of Air Transport Data and Wall Transmission/Reflection Data in the SKYSHINE Code (2) - Calculation of Gamma-Ray Wall Transnission and Reflection Data (p. 621)
by Hayashida, Y
Application of Improved Air Transport Data and Wall Transmission /Reflection Data in the SKYSHINE Code to Typical BWR Turbine Skyshine (p. 626)
by Tayama, R
Development of "SKYSHINE-CG" Code : a Line-Beam Method Code Equipped with Combinatorial Geometry Routine(p. 631)
by Nakagawa, T
Modification of SKYSHINE-III to Include Cask Array Shadowing (p. 635)
by Hertel, N E
SHINE-III : Simple Code for Skyshine Dose Calculation up to 3 GeV Neutrons(p. 640)
by Tsukiyama, T
Effect of Source Angular Distribution on the Evaluation of Gamma-ray Skyshine (p. 645)
by Sheu, R D
Measurement of Secondary Gamma-Ray Skyshine and Groundshine from Intense 14 MeV Neutron Source Facility (p. 650)
by Yoshida, S
Neutron Leakage from Polyethylene Slit (p. 655)
by Mio, K
A Simple Method of Calculating Radiation Streaming through Cylindrical Ducts in a Concrete Shield (p. 660)
by Miura, T
Development of Simple Evaluation Method for Duct Streaming (p. 665)
by Mäki, K
Measurements and Calculations of the Dose Distribution from Co-60 Gamma Rays in Multiple Straight Ducts through Iron Shields (p. 670)
by Nariyama, N
60-keV Gamma-Rays Streaming in a Two-Bend Duct (p. 675)
by Ban, S
Analysis of Neutron Streaming Experiment for Torus Duct by Cf-252 Neutron Source (p. 679)
by Kosako, T
Measurements of Elastic Scattering Cross Sections of Carbon, Silicon, Iron, Zirconium and Lead for 75 MeV Neutrons (p. 683)
by Ibaraki, M
Measurements of Double Differential Cross Sections of Secondary Charged-Particles Produced by Proton-Induced Reaction at Several Tens of MeV (p. 687)
by Harada, M
Measurements of Gamma-Ray Production Cross Sections and Spectra in Inelastic Interaction of 14 MeV Neutrons with Nuclei C, O, Mg, Al, Fe, Cu, Zr, Mo, W and Pb (p. 692)
by Nefedov, Yu A
Integral Data Test of FENDL-2 Fusion Nuclear Data Library with Neutronic Integral Experiments (p. 697)
by Wu, Y
Integral Test of Evaluated Nuclear Data for Zirconium, Lead and Bismuth Materials (p. 703)
by Blokhin, A I
Nuclear Data Validation and Re-Evaluation by Means of Integral Experiments (p. 708)
by Sublet, J C
Transport, Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of FNG 14 MeV Neutron Bulk Shield Experiment (p. 713)
by Kodeli, I
Isotope Production Cross Section Library for Use of Transmutation Calculation in the IRAC Code System for the TIARA Facility (p. 718)
by Yamano, N
JSSTDL-300 : The Standard Shielding Cross Section Library Based on JENDL-3(p. 723)
by Hasegawa, A
Status of JENDL Photonuclear Data File and Intercomparison with Other Libraries (p. 728)
by Fukahori, T
Evaluation of Photonuclear Data of Mo, Zn, S and Cl for Medical and Accelerator Applications (p. 733)
by Lee, Y O
Evaluation of Gamma-Ray Production Cross-Sections for Inelastic Neutron Interaction with Aluminium and Lead (p. 738)
by Zvenigorodskii, A G
New Evaluations of the Gamma-Ray Production Cross Sections for Lead and Bismuth (p. 743)
by Blokhin, A I
Evaluation of Angular Distributions and Gamma-Ray Production Cross Sections for Iron (p. 748)
by Savin, M V
High-Energy Neutron Dosimetry (p. 753)
by Sutton, M R
Measurement of the gamma-Ray Dose around DAPhiNE Collider Using Different Types of High Sensitivity TLDs (p. 758)
by Angelone, M
Dosimetry at the Interim Spent Fuel Storage Facility of the Czech Nuclear Power Plant Dukovany (p. 762)
by Králik, M
Monte Carlo Simulation of X-Ray Induced Chromosomal Aberrations (p. 767)
by Shin, K
Measurements of Monochromatic Fluorescence X-ray Spectra (p. 771)
by Kim, J L
Optical Responses of alpha-Al~2O~3 : C by Multi-Wavelength Stimulation for Mixed Field Dosimetry(p. 776)
by Lee, S Y
Scattered Neutron Calibration Fields of KAERI (p. 781)
by Kim, B H
The Pulse Height Distribution Tally in MCBEND (p. 785)
by Shuttleworth, T
Development of Current Mode Time-of-Flight Technique for Measurement of Thermal Neutron Spectrum (p. 789)
by Meigo, S
Development of Self-TOF Neutron Detector and its Application to Shielding Experiment at HIMAC (p. 794)
by Sasaki, M
Effect of Aggregate Specification in Heavy Concrete for Fusion Reactor Shield on Neutron Dose Evaluation (p. 798)
by Murata, I
Development of Electronic Radiation Dosimeter Using Commercial Power p MOSFET (p. 803)
by Lee, N H
Chemical Warfare Agents Identification by Thermal Neutron Detection (p. 808)
by Liu, B
Measurement of Induced Radioactivity in Copper Exposed to High Energy Heavy Ion Beam (p. 811)
by Kim, E
Measurement and Analysis of Structural Activation in a Boiling Water Reactor (p. 816)
by Hayashida, Y
Studies on Induced Activities and Target Nuclei in Low-Activation Concrete Structure for Thermal Neutron Irradiation (p. 821)
by Kinno, M
Predicting Induced Radioactivity at High-Energy Electron Accelerators (p. 827)
by Fassò, A
The European Activation File : EAF-99 - JEFF-3 Activation File(p. 835)
by Sublet, J C
The IRAC Code System to Calculate Activation and Transmutation in the TIARA Facility (p. 840)
by Tanaka, S
DARWIN : An Evolution Code System for a Large Range of Applications(p. 845)
by Tsilanizara, A
Protection Quantities and Conversion Coefficients for Use in Radiation Shielding (p. 850)
by Pelliccioni, M
Overview of Fluence to Dose Conversion Coefficients for High Energy Radiations - Calculational Methods and Results of Two Kinds of Effective Dose per Unit Particle Fluence (p. 855)
by Iwai, S
Dose Contribution due to Photonuclear Reactions from High Energy Photon from 20 MeV to 10 GeV (p. 861)
by Sato, O
Fluence to Dose Conversion Coefficients for High-Energy Neutron, Proton and Alpha Particles (p. 865)
by Yoshizawa, N
Estimation of Activity and Dose Distributions around a Proton Linac Induced by Beam Spill (p. 870)
by Nakashima, H
Mammographic Dosimetry Using MCNP-4B (p. 875)
by Verdu, G
Seasonal Influence of Countermeasures for Milk after a Nuclear Accident (p. 880)
by Hwang, W T
Neutrino Radiation at Muon Colliders and Storage Rings
by Mokhov, N V
Optimization of shielding design from the target station of high power spallation neutron source
by Alexeev, A

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