CERN Accelerating science

Conference title Conference on New Directions in Quantum Chromodynamics : 11th International Light-Cone Workshop and 12th Nuclear Physics Summer School and Symposium
Related conference title(s) ILC '99 and NUSS '99
Date(s), location 26 May - 25 Jun 1999, Seoul, Korea
Conference contact Chueng Ji; Department of Physics North Carolina State University Box; 8202 Raleigh; NC. 27695-8202
email: [email protected]
fax: (919)515-2471
phone: (919)515-3478
Editor(s) Ji Chueng Ryong (ed.) ; Min, Dong-Pil (ed.)
Imprint Melville, NY : AIP, 1999 - 544 p.
Series (AIP conference proceedings ; 494)
ISBN 1563969084
Subject category Particle Physics
Free keywords lattice gauge theory ; light-cone field theory ; hadron physics
To loan this literature, see Library holdings in the CERN Library Catalogue website.

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Contributions to this conference in CDS

SDLCQ Supersymmetric Discrete Light Cone Quantization (p. 140)
by Lunin, O
Instantons and Spin Physics (p. 219)
by Kochelev, N I
Embedded States in Light-Front Dynamics (p. 233)
by Bakker, B L G
Causality in Light-Cone Field Theory (p. 246)
by Heinzl, T
Hadronic Electroweak Transition Matrix Elements in Light-Cone Field Theory (p. 258)
by Hwang, D S
On DLCQ M Theory (p. 264)
by Hyun, S
Gauge Theories in the Light-Cone Representation (p. 277)
by Nakawaki, Y
Variational Calculation of the Effective Action (p. 291)
by Sugihara, T
Physical Role of the Light-Front Zero Mode (p. 295)
by Taniguchi, M
Fixed Point Structure of 3D Abelian Gauge Theories (p. 310)
by Itoh, T
Radioactive ion beams at ISOLDE/CERN-recent developments and perspectives (p. 349)
by Georg, U
Flux-Tube Model for Gluonic Structures (p. 353)
by Choi, J B
$\piNN$ coupling from the two-point correlation function with a pion (p. 363)
by Kim, H
Decoupling of Heavy Quarks from QCD and Applications in Higgs-Boson Phenomenology (p. 367)
by Kniehl, Bernd A
Chiral Approach to Antikaon Dynamics in the Nuclear Medium (p. 400)
by Ramos, A
$J/\psi$ at Finite Density in QCD Sum Rule Analysis (p. 429)
by Hayashigaki, A
Vector Mesons in Nuclear Matter (p. 435)
by Lee, S H
The Center-Symmetric Phase of QCD (p. 443)
by Lenz, F
Hadronic masses at high temperature by lattice QCD approach (p. 454)
by De Forcrand, Philippe
Chiral Lagrangian with BR Scaling for Dense Nuclear Matter (p. 471)
by Song, C
Measurement and origin of the $\overline{u}, \overline{d}$ asymmetry in the nucleon sea (p. 477)
by Garvey, G T
The PHENIX Experiment at RHIC (p. 487)
by Kang, J H
Spin and Strangeness in the Nucleon (p. 493)
by McKeown, R D
Low-x at HERA (p. 513)
by de Roeck, A
Renormalization Group Study of Thermodynamics in Large N 3D O(N) Vector Model (p. 523)
by Itoh, T
Form Factors for B to Light Meson Decay : Light-Cone Analysis(p. 527)
by Lee, B H

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 Record created 1999-06-08, last modified 2021-07-30

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