CERN Accélérateur de science

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Report number RAL-TR-99-008
Title Electron acceleration in a pre-formed plasma at 527 nm : an experiment performed with funding from the TMR large-scale facilities access programme
Author(s) Amiranoff, F ; Malka, V ; Salvati, M ; Clark, E L ; Dangor, A E ; Krushelnick, K ; Modena, A ; Najmudin, Z ; Santala, M I ; Tatarakis, M ; Clayton, C ; Gordon, D ; Malka, G ; Neely, D ; Allott, R ; Collier, J L ; Danson, C N ; Djaoui, A ; Edwards, C B ; Flintoff, P ; Hatton, P ; Harman, M ; Hutchinson, M H R ; Pepler, D A ; Ross, I N ; Winstone, T
Publication 1999
Imprint 24 Feb 1999
Number of pages 19
Subject category Accelerators and Storage Rings
Submitted by [email protected]


 Notice créée le 1999-03-17, modifiée le 2015-05-21

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