CERN Accelerating science

Report number CERN-EP-99-031
Title The polarized double cell target of the SMC

Adams, D ; Adeva, B ; Arik, E ; Arvidson, A ; Badelek, B ; Ballintijn, M K ; Bardin, G ; Baum, G ; Berglund, P ; Betev, L ; Bird, I G ; Birsa, R ; Björkholm, P ; Bonner, B E ; De Botton, N R ; Boutemeur, M ; Bradamante, Franco ; Bravar, A ; Bressan, A ; Bültmann, S ; Burtin, E ; Cavata, C ; Crabb, D ; Cranshaw, J ; Çuhadar-Dönszelmann, T ; Dalla Torre, S ; Van Dantzig, R ; Derro, B R ; Deshpande, A A ; Dhawan, S K ; Dulya, C M ; Dyring, A ; Eichblatt, S ; Faivre, Jean-Claude ; Fasching, D ; Feinstein, F ; Fernández, C ; Forthmann, S ; Frois, Bernard ; Gallas, A ; Garzón, J A ; Gaussiran, T ; Gilly, H ; Giorgi, M A ; von Goeler, E ; Görtz, S ; Gracia, G ; De Groot, N ; Grosse-Perdekamp, M ; Gülmez, E ; Haft, K ; Von Harrach, D ; Hasegawa, T ; Hautle, P ; Hayashi, N ; Heusch, C A ; Horikawa, N ; Hughes, V W ; Igo, G ; Ishimoto, S ; Iwata, T ; Kabuss, E M ; Kageya, T ; Karev, A G ; Kessler, H J ; Ketel, T ; Kiryluk, J ; Kishi, A ; Kiselev, Yu F ; Klostermann, L ; Krämer, Dietrich ; Krivokhizhin, V G ; Kröger, W ; Kurek, K ; Kyynäräinen, J ; Lamanna, M ; Landgraf, U ; Layda, T ; Le Goff, J M ; Lehár, F ; de Lesquen, A ; Lichtenstadt, J ; Lindqvist, T ; Litmaath, M ; Loewe, M ; Magnon, A ; Mallot, G K ; Marie, F ; Martin, A ; Martino, J ; Matsuda, T ; Mayes, B W ; McCarthy, J S ; Medved, K S ; Meyer, W T ; Van Middelkoop, G ; Miller, D ; Miyachi, Y ; Mori, K ; Moromisato, J H ; Nassalski, J P ; Naumann, Lutz ; Neganov, B S ; Niinikoski, T O ; Oberski, J ; Ogawa, A ; Ozben, C ; Parks, D P ; Pereira, H ; Penzo, Aldo L ; Perrot-Kunne, F ; Peshekhonov, V D ; Piegaia, R ; Pinsky, L ; Platchkov, S K ; Pló, M ; Pose, D ; Postma, H ; Pretz, J ; Pussieux, T ; Pyrlik, J ; Rädel, G ; Reyhancan, I ; Reicherz, G ; Rijllart, A ; Roberts, J B ; Rock, S E ; Rodríguez, M ; Rondio, Ewa ; Rosado, A ; Roscherr, B ; Sabo, I ; Saborido, J ; Sandacz, A ; Savin, I A ; Schiavon, R P ; Schiller, A ; Schüler, K P ; Segel, R E ; Seitz, R ; Semertzidis, Y K ; Sever, F ; Shanahan, P ; Sichtermann, E P ; Simeoni, F ; Smirnov, G I ; Staude, A ; Steinmetz, A ; Stiegler, U ; Stuhrmann, H B ; Szleper, M ; Teichert, K M ; Tessarotto, F ; Thers, D ; Tlaczala, W ; Trentalange, S ; Tripet, A ; Ünel, G ; Velasco, M ; Vogt, J ; Voss, Rüdiger (CERN) ; Weinstein, R ; Whitten, C ; Windmolders, R ; Willumeit, R ; Wislicki, W ; Witzmann, A ; Zanetti, A M ; Zaremba, K ; Zhao, J

Affiliation (Univ. Bielefeld) ; (Bogazici Univ. and Istanbul Tech. Univ.) ; (Univ. Bochum) ; (UCLA) ; (CERN) ; (Univ. Freiburg) ; (GKSS Geesthacht) ; (Helsinki Univ. Technol., Low Temperature Lab. and Inst. Part. Phys. Technol. Espoo) ; (Univ. Houston, and Inst. Beam Particle Dynamics Houston) ; (JINR Dubna) ; (Univ. Mainz) ; (Univ. Mons) ; (Univ. Münich) ; (Nagoya Univ.) ; (NIKHEF, Delft Univ. Technol., FOM and Free Univ. Amsterdam) ; (Northeastern Univ. Boston) ; (Northwestern Univ. Evanston) ; (Rice Univ. Houston) ; (CEA Saclay, DAPNIA Gif-sur-Yvette) ; (Univ. Santiago, Santiago de Compostela) ; (Tel Aviv Univ.) ; (INFN Trieste and Univ. Trieste) ; (Uppsala Univ. Sweden) ; (Univ. Virginia Charlottesville) ; (Soltan Inst. Nucl. Studies and Warsaw Univ.) ; (Yale Univ. New Haven)
Publication 1999
Imprint 19 Feb 1999
Number of pages 67
In: Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., A 437 (1999) 23-67
DOI 10.1016/S0168-9002(99)00582-3
Subject category Detectors and Experimental Techniques
Accelerator/Facility, Experiment CERN SPS ; SMC NA47
Abstract The polarized target of the Spin Muon Collaboration at CERN was used for deep inelastic muon scattering experiments during 1993 to 1996 with a polarized muon beam to investigate the spin structure of the nucleon. Most of the experiments were carried out with longitudinal target polarization and 190 GeV muons, and some were done with transverse polarization and 100 GeV muons. Protons as well as deuterons were polarized by dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) in three kinds of solid materials $-$ butanol, ammonia, and deuterated butanol, with maximum degrees of polarization of 94, 91, and 60 \%, respectively. Considerable attention was paid to the accuracies of the NMR polarization measurements and their analyses. The achieved accuracies were between 2.0 and 3.2 \%. The SMC target system with two cells of opposite polarizations, each cell 65 cm long and 5 cm in diameter, constitutes the largest polarized target system ever built and facilitates accurate spin asymmetry measurements. The design considerations, the construction and its performance over the years are reviewed.

Corresponding record in: Inspire

 Záznam vytvorený 1999-03-12, zmenený 2018-04-04

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